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Iskalni niz: "vrsta gradiva" (1) AND "polno besedilo" AND "organizacija" (Pedagoški inštitut) .

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Pristrasnost ishoda i pristrasnost propuštanja : nije uvek sve dobro kada se dobro završi
Žan Lep, 2024, samostojni znanstveni sestavek ali poglavje v monografski publikaciji

Objavljeno v DiRROS: 27.01.2025; Ogledov: 94; Prenosov: 46
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Doživljanje medvrstniškega nasilja : primerjava držav na podlagi raziskave PISA 2018
Igor Peras, 2024, samostojni znanstveni sestavek ali poglavje v monografski publikaciji

Ključne besede: vzgoja in izobraževanje, medvrstniško nasilje, šola, dijaki, preventiva, mednarodne raziskave
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 27.01.2025; Ogledov: 74; Prenosov: 48
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Sistematično poučevanje govornega nastopanja pri slovenščini kot izhodišče za medpredmetno povezovanje in razvijanje raznojezične zmožnosti
Janja Žmavc, 2024, samostojni znanstveni sestavek ali poglavje v monografski publikaciji

Povzetek: In this paper, we address the role of linguistic diversity in oral performance across the educational vertical. As a possibility for the successful implementation of cross-curricular integration through systematic and contextualised teaching of effective speaking, we present the Framework for Vertical Teaching of Oral Performance, as a basis for a holistic approach to the planning and implementation of pedagogical activities aimed at developing students' communicative competence. In the first part, we define oral performance as a multidimensional component of classical rhetoric and show the necessity of incorporating a rhetorical perspective into the conception of public speaking in education. Complementing classical rhetoric with the concept of oracy, we add a translanguaging approach to establish the link between teaching of spoken language, rhetoric as a process-based formation of a speaker, and the idiolects in the school. Finally, we present the Framework and outline main points that serve as a basis for developing pedagogical practices. The significance of a rhetorical pedagogy, which incorporates the role of institutional recognition of the individual's idiolect, is that it evokes the values of humanistic education, thus going beyond the narrow developing of linguistic skills and therefore constituting a vital part of the education’s general aims and goals.
Ključne besede: education, oral pefrormance, rhetoric, Slovene lessons, cross-linguistic integration, multilingualism, linguistic skills
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 27.01.2025; Ogledov: 76; Prenosov: 38
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Sodelovanje in skupno poučevanje vzgojiteljev ter drugih strokovnih delavcev v procesu zgodnje obravnave otrok s posebnimi potrebami
Doroteja Perše, Tina Štemberger, Karmen Drljić, 2024, samostojni znanstveni sestavek ali poglavje v monografski publikaciji

Povzetek: V prispevku smo preučevali vlogo sodelovanja med vzgojitelji in izvajalci dodatne strokovne pomoči pri odzivanju na potrebe otrok s posebnimi potrebami v inkluzivnih vzgojno-izobraževalnih okoljih. Osredotočili smo se na stališča vzgojiteljev o medsebojnem sodelovanju in skupnem poučevanju v procesu zgodnje obravnave ter na povezavo med različnimi dejavniki sodelovanja. V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 190 vzgojiteljev. Podatki so bili zbrani z anketnim vprašalnikom in obdelani z deskriptivno ter inferenčno statistiko. Rezultati kažejo, da vzgojitelji pozitivno doživljajo sodelovanje pri izgradnji kompetenc, izmenjavi izkušenj, medsebojni podpori in doseganju boljših rezultatov pri delu z otroki s posebnimi potrebami. Manj pa so naklonjeni skupnemu poučevanju, zlasti pri vključevanju otrok s posebnimi potrebami v vrtčevsko skupino. Glavne ovire so pomanjkanje pogojev za sodelovanje, dojemanje sodelovanja kot časovno zamudnega in manj koristnega ter skepticizem glede pomena sodelovanja. Poudarjena je potreba po izboljšanju organizacijskih pogojev in komunikaciji o koristih sodelovanja ter podrobnejšem preučevanju razumevanja vzgojiteljev o skupnem poučevanju.
Ključne besede: medsebojno sodelovanje, skupno poučevanje, predšolska vzgoja, zgodnja obravnava, otroci s posebnimi potrebami
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 27.01.2025; Ogledov: 57; Prenosov: 57
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Why do teachers need to be systemically supported in developing SEDA competencies? : insights from international large-scale assessment data
Klaudija Šterman Ivančič, 2024, samostojni znanstveni sestavek ali poglavje v monografski publikaciji

Povzetek: The chapter identifies the biggest challenges facing the teaching profession nowadays, explaining how they relate to teachers’ well-being, teacher–student relationships, and positive educational student outcomes, along with the role of social and emotional competencies and diversity awareness in addressing them. We also shed light on the importance of strengthening teachers’ and students’ social and emotional competencies and diversity awareness based on the latest results of the Teaching and Learning International Survey and the Programme for International Student Assessment in countries participating in the HAND in HAND: Empowering Teachers Across Europe to Deal with Social, Emotional and Diversity-Related Career Challenges project (Austria, Croatia, Portugal, Slovenia, Sweden), where we examine the extent to which certain aspects of social and emotional competencies and diversity awareness (i.e., teachers’ views on how society values their profession, satisfaction with the profession, teacher–student relationships, teachers’ stress, self-efficacy in multicultural environments, students’ sense of belonging at school, quality of teacher–student relationships, socio-emotional competencies) are supported in teachers’ and students’ reports. While the results vary widely between the mentioned countries, significant shortages are revealed in teachers’ and students’ social and emotional competencies and diversity awareness in all five education systems. The results thus support the notion that social and emotional competencies and diversity awareness should be systematically supported in education, and the implementation of HAND in HAND: Empowering Teachers Across Europe to Deal with Social, Emotional and Diversity-Related Career Challenges project and similar projects is extremely important for fostering students’ and teachers’ well-being and positive academic outcomes.
Ključne besede: education, teachers, teacher's competencies, challenges of teaching, SEDA competencies, programme for international student assessment, teaching and learning international survey
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 27.01.2025; Ogledov: 85; Prenosov: 39
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Teachers social, emotional, and diversity awareness competencies : from policy experimentation to policy recommendations
Urška Štremfel, 2024, samostojni znanstveni sestavek ali poglavje v monografski publikaciji

Povzetek: This chapter aims to explain the HAND in HAND: Empowering Teachers Across Europe to Deal with Social, Emotional and Diversity-Related Career Challenges (“HAND:ET”) project from a policy perspective. Basic theoretical insights into the relationship between social science experimentation and policymaking are provided. The chapter explores how the HAND:ET policy experiment is positioned with respect to existing educational priorities concerning teachers and their well-being on the EU level and in the national policies in the countries participating in the policy experimentation (Austria, Croatia, Portugal, Slovenia, Sweden). The chapter describes the manner in which the HAND:ET policy experiment, by focusing on teachers’ SEDA competencies addresses the recent European Union policy problems of the teacher profession (e.g., teacher shortages) and, based on the literature review, seeks to identify possible policy recommendations that would ensure that the results of the HAND:ET policy exper‐iment are applied on the systemic level of the EU and the participating countries. It thus elaborates on the conditions for the scalability, transferability and therefore sustainability of the HAND:ET policy experimentation outcomes in the wider field of teacher policy.
Ključne besede: education, teachers, teacher's competencies, social and emotional competencies, diversity awareness, policy experiment, policy problem, policy development, policy recommendations
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 27.01.2025; Ogledov: 70; Prenosov: 40
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Supporting teachers’ social and emotional competencies and diversity awareness in the future : implications for educational policies and practices
Urška Štremfel, Ana Kozina, Tina Vršnik Perše, Iva Odak, Ivana Jugović, Lisa Paleczek, Valerie Fredericks, Nina Rozcen, Mojca Rožman, Nina Eliasson, Helene Dahlström, Gina Tome, Margarida Gaspar de Matos, Hrvoje Bakić, Aleš Ojsteršek, Iva Perković, 2024, samostojni znanstveni sestavek ali poglavje v monografski publikaciji

Povzetek: The chapter is based on summarised findings of both the HAND in HAND: Empowering Teachers Across Europe to Deal with Social, Emotional and Diversity-Related Career Challenges policy experiment (presented in volume 1) and analyses of current European Union and national policy frameworks (presented in this volume), and elaborates on the conditions needed to ensure the scalability, transferability and thus sustainability of the HAND in HAND: Empowering Teachers Across Europe to Deal with Social, Emotional and Diversity-Related Career Challenges project outcomes and the systematic policy and political support needed on the European Union and national levels. It sets out 39 guidelines organised in 5 areas: 1) Including social and emotional and diversity awareness content in teachers’ professional development; 2) Supporting the development and implementation of teachers’ social and emotional competencies and diversity awareness programmes; 3) Considering the role of working conditions in teachers’ well-being; 4) Enhancing teachers’ professional status in society; and 5) Improving policy frameworks for supporting teachers’ social and emotional competencies and diversity awareness on all levels of the European Union’s multi-level governance. While considering the differences in current national policy arrangements and challenges to teachers’ well-being and the development of their social and emotional competencies and diversity awareness in the HAND in HAND: Empowering Teachers Across Europe to Deal with Social, Emotional and Diversity-Related Career Challenges project field-trial countries (Austria, Croatia, Portugal, Slovenia, Sweden), the chapter also introduces specific guidelines concerning ways to foster teachers’ SEDA development in their respective national contexts.
Ključne besede: education, European Union, field trial countries, HAND:ET, social and emotional competencies, diversity awareness, initial and continuous professional development, professional development, working conditions, teachers' professional status in society
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 27.01.2025; Ogledov: 102; Prenosov: 45
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