1. Raman microspectroscopy of garnets from Sfibulae from the archaeological site Lajh (Slovenia)Saša Kos, Matej Dolenec, Judita Lux, Sabina Dolenec, 2020, izvirni znanstveni članek Povzetek: Garnets (19 pieces) of Late Antique S-fibulae from the archaeological site at Lajh-Kranj (Slovenia) were analysed with Raman microspectroscopy to obtain their mineral characteristic, including inclusion assemblage. Most garnets were determined as almandines Type I of pyralspite solid solution series; however, three garnets showed a higher Mg, Mn and Ca contents and were determined as almandines Type II. Most significant Raman bands were determined in the range of 169–173 cm−1 (T(X2+)), 346–352 cm−1 (R(SiO4)), 557–559 cm−1 (ν2), 633–637 cm−1 (ν4), 917–919 cm−1 (ν1), and 1042–1045 cm−1 (ν3). Shifting of certain Raman bands toward higher frequencies was the result of an increase of the Mg content in the garnet composition, which also indicates the presence of pyrope end member in solid garnet solutions. Inclusions of apatite, quartz, mica, magnetite, ilmenite, as well as inclusions with pleochroic or radiation halo and tension fissures (zircon), were found in most of the garnets. Rutile and sillimanite were found only in garnets with the highest pyrope content. Spherical inclusions were also observed in two garnets, which may indicate the presence of melt or gas residues. The determined inclusion assemblage indicates the formation of garnets during medium- to high-grade metamorphism of amphibolite or granulite facies. According to earlier investigations of the garnets from Late Antique jewellery, the investigated garnets are believed to originate from India. Ključne besede: garnets, inclusions, Sfibulae, Late Antiquity, provenance, Raman microspectroscopy, XRF spectroscopy Objavljeno v DiRROS: 20.12.2023; Ogledov: 613; Prenosov: 405
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2. Potential of green ceramics waste for alkali activated foamsBarbara Horvat, Vilma Ducman, 2019, izvirni znanstveni članek Povzetek: The aim of the paper is to research the influence of foaming and stabilization agents in the alkali activation process of waste green ceramics for future low cost up-cycling into lightweight porous thermal insulating material. Green waste ceramics, which is used in the present article, is a green body residue (non-successful intermediate-product) in the synthesis of technical ceramics for fuses. This residue was alkali activated with Na-water glass and NaOH in theoretically determined ratio based on data from X-ray fluorescence (XRF) and X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) that was set to maximise mechanical properties and to avoid efflorescence. Prepared mixtures were compared to alkali activated material prepared in theoretically less favourable ratios, and tested on the strength and density. Selected mixtures were further foamed with different foaming agents, that are Na-perborate (s), H2O2 (l), and Al (s), and supported by a stabilization agent, i.e., Na-dodecyl sulphate. The goal of the presented work was to prepare alkali activated foam based on green ceramics with density below 1 kg/l and compressive strength above 1 MPa. Ključne besede: alkali activation, foaming, SEM, XRF, XRD, mechanical strength Objavljeno v DiRROS: 14.09.2023; Ogledov: 753; Prenosov: 376
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3. Influence of particle size on compressive strength of alkali activated refractory materialsBarbara Horvat, Vilma Ducman, 2020, izvirni znanstveni članek Povzetek: Influence of particle size on the mechanical strength of alkali activated material from waste refractory monolithic was investigated in this study. Precursor was chemically and mineralogically analysed, separated on 4 fractions and alkali activated with Na-water glass. Alkali activated materials were thoroughly investigated under SEM and XRD to evaluate the not predicted differences in mechanical strength. Influence of curing temperature and time dependence at curing temperatures on mechanical strength were investigated in the sample prepared from a fraction that caused the highest compressive strength. Ključne besede: refractory materials, alkali activation, particle size, SEM, XRF, XRD, compressive strength Objavljeno v DiRROS: 21.08.2023; Ogledov: 775; Prenosov: 515
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4. Preparation of façade panels based on alkali-activated waste mineral wool, their characterization and durability aspectsMajda Pavlin, Barbara Horvat, Vilma Ducman, 2022, izvirni znanstveni članek Povzetek: Mineral wool is a widely used insulation material and one of the largest components of construction and demolition waste, yet it mainly ends up in landfills. In this work, we explored the potential recycling of waste stone wool in the pilot production of alkali-activated façade panels. The current work shows mechanical properties, SEM-EDS and mercury intrusion porosimetry analyses for three different mix designs used for the preparation of façade panels. They are all composed of waste stone wool and differ in the amount of co-binders (local slag, lime, metakaolin and/or fly ash) selected by the preliminary studies. In this study, co-binders were added to increase early strength and improve the mechanical properties and freeze-thaw resistance. The mechanical properties of each were measured up to 256 days, different durability tests were executed, and, by evaluating the mechanical properties, microstructure and workability of the mortar, the most suitable mix was selected to be used for pilot production. In addition, the leaching test of the selected mixture showed no exceeded toxic trace elements and therefore got classified as non-hazardous waste after its use. Ključne besede: alkali activation, waste mineral wool, SEM, XRF, XRD, mechanical strength Objavljeno v DiRROS: 19.06.2023; Ogledov: 808; Prenosov: 362
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5. The preparation and characterization of low-temperature foams based on the alkali activation of waste stone woolMajda Pavlin, Barbara Horvat, Mark Češnovar, Vilma Ducman, 2022, izvirni znanstveni članek Povzetek: Waste mineral wool represents a huge amount of construction and demolition waste that is still not adequately returned into the value chain but needs to be landfilled. In the present study, waste stone wool (SW) was evaluated for the preparation of alkali-activated foams. For this purpose SW was milled and sieved below 63 μm, then the activator (sodium silicate) and different amounts of foaming agent (hydrogen peroxide, H2O2), varying between 1 wt% and 3 wt%, were added to the slurry and cured in moulds at an elevated temperature (70 ◦ C) for three days. In this way, foamed, highly porous materials were obtained whose density and mechanical properties were influenced by the amount of foaming agent used. The densities obtained ranged between 1.4 and 0.5 g/cm3, with corresponding mechanical properties of between 12.6 and 1.5 MPa and total porosities in the range 37.8–78.6%, respectively. In the most porous samples with the total porosity of 78.6%, a thermal conductivity of 0.092 W/(m∙K) was confirmed. The study confirmed the suitability of waste mineral wool (in our case SW) as a precursor for alkali-activated foams with potential use in the construction sector or other industrial applications. Ključne besede: alkali activation, waste mineral wool, mechanical strength, open access, alkalijska aktivacija, odpadna volna, SEM, XRF, XRD, mehanska trdnost, odprti dostop Objavljeno v DiRROS: 19.06.2023; Ogledov: 771; Prenosov: 510
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6. Statistical approach to interpretation of geochemical data of stream sediment in Pleše mining areaSimona Jarc, 2022, izvirni znanstveni članek Povzetek: The Ba, Pb and Zn ore deposit Pleše near Ljubljana is one of the formerly productive mines. The stream sediments were sampled and analysed by XRF to establish the effect of grain size, mineralization, and downstream location of sampling sites on geochemical composition based on various statistical analyses. Statistical analyses of the geochemical data confirm the impact of mineralization. The parametric t-test, non-parametric Mann-Whitney test and cluster analysis showed only minor differences in the geochemical composition of the samples with different grain sizes (< 0.063 mm and 0.063-2 mm). The parametric and non-parametric correlation coefficients as well as cluster analysis indicate that the contents of Si, Al, K, Rb, and Fe are associated with weathered rock forming minerals such as micas, and clay minerals, whereas Nb and Zr are associated with minerals resistant to weathering. Ca and Mg are associated with carbonates. S, Ba, Sr, Pb, Zn, and Mn indicate local mineralization with sulphates and sulphides. The results of the t-test and analysis of variance, Mann-Whitney tests and Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA of the groups established by the cluster analysis confirm that the contents of Ba, Pb and Sr have a statistically significant influence on the classification of the cluster group - i.e., the influence of sediment mineralization. There are no differences in elemental contents in the sediment samples downstream. The statistical approach to evaluate the geochemical data has proven useful and provides a good basis for further interpretation. Ključne besede: ANOVA, t-test, correlation, cluster analysis, XRF, mineralization Objavljeno v DiRROS: 18.01.2023; Ogledov: 1045; Prenosov: 448
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