1. Virtual modelling of novel applicator prototypes for cervical cancer brachytherapyPrimož Petrič, Robert Hudej, Noora Al-Hammadi, Barbara Šegedin, 2016, izvirni znanstveni članek Povzetek: Standard applicators for cervical cancer Brachytherapy (BT) do not always achieve acceptable balance between target volume and normal tissue irradiation. We aimed to develop an innovative method of Targetvolume Density Mapping (TDM) for modelling of novel applicator prototypes with optimal coverage characteristics. Patients and methods. Development of Contour-Analysis Tool 2 (CAT-2) software for TDM generation was the core priority of our task group. Main requests regarding software functionalities were formulated and guided the coding process. Software validation and accuracy check was performed using phantom objects. Concepts and terms for standardized workflow of TDM post-processing and applicator development were introduced. Results. CAT-2 enables applicator-based co-registration of Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) structures from a sample of cases, generating a TDM with pooled contours in applicator-eye-view. Each TDM voxel is assigned a value, corresponding to the number of target contours encompassing that voxel. Values are converted to grey levels and transformed to DICOM image, which is transported to the treatment planning system. Iso-density contours (IDC) are generated as lines, connecting voxels with same grey levels. Residual Volume at Risk (RVR) is created for each IDC as potential volume that could contain organs at risk. Finally, standard and prototype applicators are applied on the TDM and virtual dose planning is performed. Dose volume histogram (DVH) parameters are recorded for individual IDC and RVR delineations and characteristic curves generated. Optimal applicator configuration is determined in an iterative manner based on comparison of characteristic curves, virtual implant complexities and isodose distributions. Conclusions. Using the TDM approach, virtual applicator prototypes capable of conformal coverage of any target volume, can be modelled. Further systematic assessment, including studies on clinical feasibility, safety and effectiveness are needed before routine use of novel prototypes can be considered. Ključne besede: cervical cancer, brachytherapy, applicators, virtual modelling Objavljeno v DiRROS: 09.05.2024; Ogledov: 560; Prenosov: 211
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2. Uncertainties in target volume delineation in radiotherapy : are they relevant and what can we do about them?Barbara Šegedin, Primož Petrič, 2016, izvirni znanstveni članek Povzetek: Modern radiotherapy techniques enable delivery of high doses to the target volume without escalating dose to organs at risk, offering the possibility of better local control while preserving good quality of life. Uncertainties in target volume delineation have been demonstrated for most tumour sites, and various studies indicate that inconsistencies in target volume delineation may be larger than errors in all other steps of the treatment planning and delivery process. The aim of this paper is to summarize the degree of delineation uncertainties for different tumour sites reported in the literature and review the effect of strategies to minimize them. Conclusions. Our review confirmed that interobserver variability in target volume contouring represents the largest uncertainty in the process for most tumour sites, potentially resulting in a systematic error in dose delivery, which could influence local control in individual patients. For most tumour sites the optimal combination of imaging modalities for target delineation still needs to be determined. Strict use of delineation guidelines and protocols is advisable both in every day clinical practice and in clinical studies to diminish interobserver variability. Continuing medical education of radiation oncologists cannot be overemphasized, intensive formal training on interpretation of sectional imaging should be included in the program for radiation oncology residents. Ključne besede: target volume, interobserver variability, delineation uncertainties, imaging Objavljeno v DiRROS: 30.04.2024; Ogledov: 902; Prenosov: 618
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3. MRI-assisted cervix cancer brachytherapy pre-planning, based on application in paracervical anaesthesia : final reportPrimož Petrič, Robert Hudej, Omar Hanuna, Primož Marolt, Barbara Šegedin, 2014, izvirni znanstveni članek Povzetek: Background. Optimal applicator insertion is a precondition for the success of cervix cancer brachytherapy (BT). We aimed to assess feasibility and efficacy of MRI-assisted pre-planning, based on applicator insertion in para-cervical anaesthesia (PCA). Patients and methods. Five days prior to BT, the pre-planning procedure was performed in 18 cervix cancer patients: tandem-ring applicator was inserted under PCA, pelvic MRI obtained and applicator removed. Procedure tolerability was assessed. High risk clinical target volume (HR CTV) and organs at risk were delineated on the pre-planning MRI, virtual needles placed at optimal positions, and dose planning performed. At BT, insertion was carried out in subarachnoidal anaesthesia according to pre-planned geometry. Pre-planned and actual treatment parameters were compared. Results. Pre-planning procedure was well tolerated. Median difference between the pre-planned and actual needle insertion depth and position were 2 (0%10) mm and 4 (0%30) degrees, respectively. The differences between the pre-planned and actual geometric and dosimetric parameters were statistically non-significant. All actual needles were positioned inside the HR CTV and outside the organs at risk (OAR). Conclusions. Our pre-planning approach is well tolerated and effective. Pre-planned geometry and dose distribution can be reproduced at BT. Ključne besede: cervix cancer, pre-planning, image-guided brachytherapy Objavljeno v DiRROS: 11.04.2024; Ogledov: 597; Prenosov: 328
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4. Distance deviation measure of contouring variabilityPeter Rogelj, Robert Hudej, Primož Petrič, 2013, izvirni znanstveni članek Povzetek: Background. Several methods that are currently used for contouring analysis have problems providing reliable and/ or meaningful results. In this paper a solution to these problems is proposed in a form of a novel measure, which was developed based on requirements defined for contouring studies. Materials and methods. The proposed distance deviation measure can be understood as an extension of the closest point measures in such a way that it does not measure only distances between points on contours but rather analyse deviation of distances to both/all contours from each image point/voxel. The obtained result is information rich, reliable and provided in a form of an image, enabling detailed topographic analysis. In addition to image representation, results can be further processed into angular representation for compact topographic analysis or into overall scalar estimates for quick assessment of contour disagreement. Results. Distance deviation method is demonstrated on a multi observer contouring example with complex contour shapes, i.e., with pronounced extremes and void interior. The results are presented using the three proposed methods. Conclusions. The proposed method can detect and measure contour variation irrespective of contour complexity and number of contour segments, while the obtained results are easy to interpret. It can be used in various situations, regarding the presence of reference contour or multiple test contours. Ključne besede: contouring, contour comparison, distance transform Objavljeno v DiRROS: 03.04.2024; Ogledov: 618; Prenosov: 190
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6. Uterine perforation - 5-year experience in 3-D image guided gynaecological brachytherapy at Institute of Oncology LjubljanaBarbara Šegedin, Jasenka Gugić Kevo, Primož Petrič, 2013, izvirni znanstveni članek Povzetek: Background. Accurate applicator placement is a precondition for the success of gynaecological brachytherapy (BT). Unrecognized uterine perforation can lead to bleeding, infection, high doses to pelvic organs and underdosage of the target volume, resulting in acute morbidity, long-term complications and reduced chance of cure. We aimed to assess the incidence and clinical characteristics of our cases with uterine perforation, review their management and impact on the treatment course. Patinets and methods. In all patients, treated with utero-vaginal image guided BT for gynaecological cancer between January 2006 and December 2011, the CT/MR images with the applicator in place were reviewed. The incidence of uterine perforations was recorded. Clinical factors that may have predisposed to increased risk of perforation were recorded. Management of perforations and their impact on treatment course was assessed. Results. 219 patients (428 applications) were suitable for analysis. Uterine perforation was found in 13 (3.0%) applications in 10 (4.6%) patients. The most frequent perforation site was posterior uterine wall (n = 9), followed by anterior wall (n = 2) and fundus (n = 2). All cases were managed conservatively, without complications. Prophylactic antibiotics were administered in 8 cases. In 4 patients, abdominal and/or transrectal ultrasound (US) guidance was used on subsequent applications for applicator insertion; adequate applicator placement was achieved and treatment completed as planned in all cases. Conclusions. 3D imaging for BT planning enables accurate identification of uterine perforations. The incidence of perforations at our department is one of the lowest reported in the literature. US guidance of applicator insertion is useful and feasible, allowing to complete the planned treatment even in challenging cases. Ključne besede: uterine perforation, brachytherapy, 3D imaging, ultrasound guidance Objavljeno v DiRROS: 22.03.2024; Ogledov: 546; Prenosov: 170
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8. Long term outcome after combined modality treatment for anal cancerIrena Oblak, Primož Petrič, Franc Anderluh, Vaneja Velenik, Albert-Peter Fras, 2012, izvirni znanstveni članek Povzetek: Background. The aim of the retrospective study was to evaluate the effectiveness and toxicity of radiochemotherapy in patients with squamous cellcarcinoma of the anal canal treated at a single institution. Patients and methods. Between 1/2003 and 9/2010, 84 patients were treated with radical radiochemotherapy at the Institute of Oncology Ljubljana, Slovenia. The treatment consisted of 3-dimensional conformal external beam radiotherapy with concurrent chemotherapy (5-fluorouracil and mytomycin C), followed by brachytherapy or external beam boost. The toxicity of therapy and its effectiveness were assessed. Results. The treatment was completed according tothe protocol in 79.8% of patients. The median follow-up time of 55 survivors was 53 months (range: 16-105 months). The 5-year locoregional control(LRC), disease-free survival (DFS), disease-specific survival (DSS), overall survival (OS) and colostomy-free survival (CFS) rates were 71%, 68%, 81%, 67% and 85%, respectively. No treatment-related mortality was observed. The most frequent acute side-effect of the treatment was radiodermatitis (grade 3-4 in 58.2% of patients). LENT-SOMA grade 3-4 late radiation side effects were observed in 15 (18%) patients. In patients with brachytherapy boost a trend of less late side effects was observed compared to patients with external beam boost (P=0.066). On multivariate analysis, complete clinicaldisease response was identified as an independent prognostic factor for LRC, DFS and DSS, the salvage surgery for LRC and DFS, whereas Hb below 120 g/l retained its independent prognostic value for OS. Conclusions. Radiochemotherapy provides an excellent disease control and the survival with preserving anal sphincter function in majority of patients. Surgical salvage with abdominoperineal resection for persistent or recurrent disease has curative potential. Objavljeno v DiRROS: 21.03.2024; Ogledov: 591; Prenosov: 195
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9. Postopki za obravnavo bolnic z rakom materničnega vratu v SlovenijiMarjetka Uršič-Vrščaj, Špela Smrkolj, Primož Petrič, Maja Primic-Žakelj, Matej Bračko, Vida Stržinar, Borut Kobal, Branko Cvjetičanin, Andrej Možina, Leon Meglič, Andrej Zore, Barbara Šegedin, Vesna Robič, Albert-Peter Fras, Sonja Bebar, Aleš Vakselj, Milan Baškovič, Astrid Djurišić, Olga Cerar, Iztok Takač, Andraž Dovnik, 2012, slovar, enciklopedija, leksikon, priročnik, atlas, zemljevid Ključne besede: smernice Objavljeno v DiRROS: 09.06.2020; Ogledov: 2534; Prenosov: 659
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10. Smernice za obravnavo bolnic z rakom materničnega vratu v SlovenijiMarjetka Uršič-Vrščaj, Špela Smrkolj, Primož Petrič, Maja Primic-Žakelj, Matej Bračko, Vida Stržinar, Borut Kobal, Branko Cvjetičanin, Andrej Možina, Leon Meglič, Andrej Zore, Barbara Šegedin, Vesna Robič, Albert-Peter Fras, Sonja Bebar, Aleš Vakselj, Milan Baškovič, Astrid Djurišić, Olga Cerar, Iztok Takač, Andraž Dovnik, 2012, slovar, enciklopedija, leksikon, priročnik, atlas, zemljevid Ključne besede: smernice Objavljeno v DiRROS: 05.06.2020; Ogledov: 2600; Prenosov: 657
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