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6. Consequence of the introduction of routine FCH PET/CT imaging for patients with prostate cancer : a dual centre surveyMarina Hodolič, Laure Michaud, V. Huchet, S. Balogova, V. Nataf, K. Kerrou, M. Vereb, Jurij Fettich, Jean-Noël Talbot, 2014, original scientific article Abstract: Background. Fluorocholine(18F) (FCH) was introduced at the beginning of April 2010 in France, Slovenia and three other EU member states for the localisation of bone metastases of prostate cancer with PET. The aim of the study was to compare the evolution of diagnostic imaging in patients with prostate cancer using a new radiopharmaceutical FCH, observed in France and in Slovenia, and to quantify the consequence of the results of new imaging modality on the detection rate of abnormal metastases and recurrences of prostate cancer.Patients and methods. In two centres (France/Slovenia), a survey of the number of nuclear medicine examinations in patients with prostate cancer was performed, covering 5 quarters of the year since the introduction of FCH. For each examination, the clinical and biological circumstances were recorded, as well as the detection of bone or soft tissue foci.Results. Six hundred and eighty-eight nuclear medicine examinations were performed impatients with prostate cancer. Nuclear medicine examinations were performed for therapy monitoring and follow-up in 23% of cases. The number of FCH PET/CT grew rapidly between the 1st and 5th period of the observation (+220%), while the number of bone scintigraphies (BS) and fluoride(18F) PET/CTs decreased (-42% and -23% respectively). Fluorodeoxyglucose(18F) (FDG) PET/CT remained limited to few cases of castrate-resistant or metastatic prostate cancer in Paris. The proportion of negative results was significantly lower with FCH PET/CT (14%) than with BS (49%) or fluoride(18F) PET/CT (54%). For bone metastases, the detection rate was similar, but FCH PET/CT was performed on average at lower prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels and was less frequently doubtful (4% vs. 28% for BS). FCH PET/CT also showed foci in prostatic bed (53% of cases) or in soft tissue (35% of cases).Conclusions. A rapid development of FCH PET/CT was observed in both centres and led to a higher detection rate of prostate cancer lesions. Keywords: prostate cancer, PET/CT, fluorocholine (FCH), fluoride(18F), bone scintigraphy, indication of imaging, prostata, rak (medicina), slikovna diagnostika Published in DiRROS: 04.04.2024; Views: 955; Downloads: 672
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8. Metastatska utesnitev hrbtenjače : prikaz primeraBlaž Grošelj, 2023, published scientific conference contribution Abstract: Metastatska utesnitev hrbtenjače je pogost zaplet pri bolnikih z razsejanim rakom prostate. Ima lahko hude posledice v smislu poslabšanja kakovosti življenja, predvsem zaradi hude bolečine, možne nepokretnosti (razvoj paraplegije oz. tetraplegije) in izgube kontinence za vodo in blato. Ob pojavu simptomov je nujno takojšnje diagnostično in terapevtsko ukrepanje. V članku bomo navedli nekaj novejših spoznanj s področja in prikazali primer klinične prakse z Onkološkega inštituta Ljubljana. Keywords: rak prostate, onkološko zdravljenje, sistemsko zdravljenje Published in DiRROS: 03.02.2023; Views: 1321; Downloads: 290
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10. Prihodnost zdravljenja raka prostateBoštjan Šeruga, 2023, published scientific conference contribution Abstract: V zadnjem desetletju je bil dosežen velik napredek v zdravljenju raka prostate. Tudi v naslednjem desetletju si obetamo podoben ali še večji napredek. Veliko obetajo kombinacije zdravil, ki jih danes v praksi že uporabljamo, in nova protirakava zdravila. Pri raku prostate ostaja neizkoriščen potencial imunoterapije, ki jo bo v bodoče potrebno še nadgraditi. Hitrejši napredek v zdravljenju raka prostate bodo omogočili sodobni dizajni kliničnih raziskav. Keywords: rak prostate, onkološko zdravljenje, sistemsko zdravljenje Published in DiRROS: 03.02.2023; Views: 1055; Downloads: 229
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