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Vpliv umetno pospešenega staranja na lastnosti površinskih premazov na nemodificiranem in na modificiranem lesu
Miro Tomažič, Matjaž Pavlič, Borut Kričej, Primož Štefe, Marko Petrič, 2004, original scientific article

Abstract: Za zunanjo uporabo se v svetu namesto naravnega lesa uvaja uporaba modificiranega lesa, ki je dimenzijsko stabilnejši. V literaturi pa je še vedno zelo malo podatkov o sistemih modificiran les - površinski premaz. Zato je bil cilj naše raziskave preučiti lastnosti premazov za zunanjo uporabo na termično modificiranem lesu rdečega bora in nekaterih drugih lesnih substratih. Izvedli smo umetno pospešeno staranje nepremazanih in premazanih vzorcev ter ugotavljali vplive tega postopka na lastnosti, kot so oprijemnost premaza, barva, sijaj, kontaktni kot za vodo ter prepustnost premaza za vodno paro in tekočo vodo. Ugotovili smo, da je sistem "termično modificiran rdeči bor - premaz" primerljiv s sistemom "nemodificiran les - premaz".
Keywords: termična modifikacija, premazi, umetno staranje, pospešeno staranje, oprijemnost, barva, sijaj, kontaktni kot
Published in DiRROS: 12.07.2017; Views: 5264; Downloads: 2082
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Influence of drying temperature on properties of wood surfaces
Milan Šernek, 2002, original scientific article

Abstract: This article deals with modifications of wood surface properties induced by different drying temperatures. The aim of the study was chemical and physical characterization of a wood surface concerning low and high temperature exposure. Additionally, the correlation between the chemical composition of a wood surface and its wetting capacity were investigated. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and contact angle measurements were conducted. Two wood species, yellow poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera) and southern pine (Pinus taeda) were studied. The results showed that the percentage of carbon increased with drying temperature, and consequently, the percentage of oxygen decreased. The samples exposed to high drying temperatures indicated a higher content of extractives on the wood surface. These samples exhibited the highest contact angle and the lowest wettability
Keywords: površina lesa, sušenje, kontaktni kot, rentgenska fotoelektronska spektroskopija, omočitev, ekstraktivne snovi, wood surface, drying, contact angle, XPS, wettability, extractives
Published in DiRROS: 12.07.2017; Views: 5118; Downloads: 2119
.pdf Full text (932,44 KB)

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