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Query: "keywords" (gozdno drevje) .

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Izdelava ocene zmožnosti obvladovanja tveganja za bolezni in škodljivce gozdnega drevja
Barbara Piškur, 2020, treatise, preliminary study, study

Keywords: obvladovanje tveganja, bolezni drevja, gozdno drevje
Published in DiRROS: 24.09.2020; Views: 1506; Downloads: 731
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Posledice toče na gozdnem in okrasnem drevju v okolici Ptuja zaradi neurja avgusta 2008
Nenad Zagorac, 2009, professional article

Keywords: toča, vremenski pojavi, gozdovi, škoda po toči, gozdno drevje, varstvo gozdov
Published in DiRROS: 29.07.2020; Views: 1979; Downloads: 1032
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Vpliv emisij na gozdove v Zasavju
Andrej Strniša, Franc Batič, 1997, original scientific article

Keywords: propadanje gozda, popis, gozdno drevje, lišaji, ozon
Published in DiRROS: 12.07.2017; Views: 4834; Downloads: 1983
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Vsebnost kovin v gozdnih tleh ter iglicah in listju gozdnega drevja na ploskvah 16 X 16 km mreže v Sloveniji
Polona Kalan, 1997, original scientific article

Keywords: vsebnost kovin, gozdna tla, gozdno drevje, onesnaženost
Published in DiRROS: 12.07.2017; Views: 4599; Downloads: 1988
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Preskrbljenost gozdnega drevja z mineralnimi hranili na 16 X 16 km mreži
Primož Simončič, 1997, original scientific article

Keywords: bioindikacijska mreža, mineralna prehrana, gozdno drevje, vsebnost skupnega žvepla, Slovenija
Published in DiRROS: 12.07.2017; Views: 5000; Downloads: 1997
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Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) damage in the Zasavje district of Slovenia evaluated by two methods
Natalija Vidergar-Gorjup, Andrej Strniša, Franc Batič, 2000, original scientific article

Abstract: The Zasavje district has been heavily affected by air pollution due to mining,the presence of a coal-fired power plant, and industry. The extent of forest damage differs according to location because of specific climatic and orographic characteristics. Norway spruce damage was estimated by two methods at 10 locations in the Zasavje district using the Slovenian forestry method for the estimation of forest damage (KOVA et al. 1995), and a Czech method forestimation of damage to the branching system and needle loss and discoloration (CUDLIN & CHMELIKOVA 1995). Comparison of the results obtained by the two methods gave similar damage assessments at heavily polluted sites, although the data obtained by the two methods differ due to several environmental parameters. The Czech method did not give as good results as wasexpected. A possible reason might be that spruce trees in the investigated locations are less damaged than those in the Czech Republic, where the method was developed.
Keywords: air pollution, Norway spruce, Picea abies (L.), tree damage, Zasavje, propadanje gozda, poškodovanost drevja, gozdno drevje, onesnaženost zraka, Zasavje, smreka, Picea abies (L.) Karst.
Published in DiRROS: 12.07.2017; Views: 5220; Downloads: 2083
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Medonosne rastline v gozdovih Slovenije : (uvodni del)
Maja Jurc, Milan Piskernik, 1983, treatise, preliminary study, study

Keywords: drevesna vrsta, gozdno drevje, gozdno zelišče, medonosna rastlina, stranski gozdni proizvod, med, Slovenija
Published in DiRROS: 12.07.2017; Views: 2922; Downloads: 857
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