1. Potential solutions for ▫$CO_2▫$-capturing technologies in the slovenian contextJanvit Golob, Dušan Klinar, Mihael Bricelj, 2012, original scientific article Abstract: Human activities have caused an enormous rise of the CO2 concentration in the Earth’s atmosphere over the past 200 years. In order to alleviate this problem, the threats to and the concerns of the international community need to be converted into economic opportunities for national economies, which shall develop and utilize technological opportunities rather than simply accepting international obligations to reduce CO2 emissions. In the article we analyze technological possibilities in the Slovenian context as possible opportunities for promoting sustainable development based on regional, renewable resources. Beginning with an analysis of the amine process for CO2 concentration and its possibilities, we continue with CO2 chemistry examples, like the precipitation of calcium carbonate from Ca++ sources like lime or fly ash. Through the concept of product engineering we emphasize the need for a stepwise realization from the laboratory to a pilot plant and then to the industrial scale. The growth of biomass through forestry or algae production can provide an additional CO2 sink. However, for an efficient technical solution and implementation a close working relationship between biologists and engineers is required. Keywords: CO2 minimization, technological opportunities, amine concentration, CO2 chemistry, forestry, algae production, fly ash CO2 absorption Published in DiRROS: 05.08.2024; Views: 184; Downloads: 122 Full text (328,38 KB) This document has many files! More... |
2. Stakeholders' views on the global guidelines for the sustainableuse of non-native treesAna Novoa, Giovanni Vimercati, Giuseppe Brundu, David M. Richardson, Urs Schaffner, Antonio Brunori, Thomas Campagnaro, Susan Canavan, Laura Celesti-Grapow, Michele de Sá Dechoum, Marjana Westergren, 2024, original scientific article Abstract: 1. A large number of non-native trees (NNTs) have been introduced globally andwidely planted, contributing significantly to the world's economy. Although someof these species present a limited risk of spreading beyond their planting sites, agrowing number of NNTs are spreading and becoming invasive leading to diversenegative impacts on biodiversity, ecosystem functions and human well- being. Tohelp minimize the negative impacts and maximize the economic benefits of NNTs,Brundu et al. developed eight guidelines for the sustainable use of NNTs glob-ally—the Global Guidelines for the Use of NNTs (GG-NNTs).2. Here, we used an online survey to assess perceptions of key stakeholders to-wards NNTs, and explore their knowledge of and compliance with the GG-NNTs.3. Our results show that stakeholders are generally aware that NNTs can providebenefits and cause negative impacts, often simultaneously and they consider thattheir organization complies with existing regulations and voluntary agreementsconcerning NNTs. However, they are not aware of or do not apply most of theeight recommendations included in the GG-NNTs.4. We conclude that effectively managing invasions linked to NNTs requires bothmore communication efforts using an array of channels for improving stakeholderawareness and implementation of simple measures to reduce NNT impacts (e.g. via GG-NNTs), and a deeper understanding of the barriers and reluctance ofstakeholders to manage NNT invasions. Keywords: agroforestry, alien species, forestry, invasion risk, online survey, ornamental trees, perceptions, stakeholder engagement, sustainability, tree invasions Published in DiRROS: 21.06.2024; Views: 243; Downloads: 454 Full text (4,95 MB) This document has many files! More... |
3. Life IP CARE4CLIMATE - Action C8 and E3 : second interim reportBoštjan Mali, Andreja Ferreira, Gal Kušar, Simon Zidar, Kaja Plevnik, Bernarda Krištof, 2023, treatise, preliminary study, study Keywords: project Life IP CARE4CLIMATE, land use, land use changes, forestry, activities Published in DiRROS: 09.01.2024; Views: 480; Downloads: 0 |
4. Life IP CARE4CLIMATE - Action C8 and E3 : first interim reportBoštjan Mali, Andreja Ferreira, Gal Kušar, Anica Simčič, Adrijana Trekman, 2021, treatise, preliminary study, study Keywords: project Life IP CARE4CLIMATE, land use, land use changes, forestry, activities Published in DiRROS: 09.01.2024; Views: 459; Downloads: 0 |
5. Attitudes of Slovenian school children towards forests and climate change : a study by the Forest of experimentsBoris Rantaša, Ajša Alagić, Amina Gačo, Martin Jež, Mateja Kraševec, Urša Vilhar, 2023, other monographs and other completed works Keywords: forestst, climate changes, school children, Slovenia, environmental education, forest pedagogy, Slovenian Forestry Institute, Forest of experiments, LIFE SySTEMiC Published in DiRROS: 15.12.2023; Views: 619; Downloads: 169 Full text (2,90 MB) |
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10. Investments related to infrastructure and access to forest land : the evaluation analysisKlára Báliková, Zuzana Dobsinska, Zuzana Sarvašová, Jaroslav Šálka, 2023, published scientific conference contribution Keywords: forestry measure, Rural Development Program, Slovak Republic, implementation process, evaluation analysis Published in DiRROS: 05.10.2023; Views: 668; Downloads: 183 Full text (113,99 KB) |