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Query: "keywords" (Populus alba L.) .

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Tehnične smernice za ohranjanje in rabo genskih virov : trepetlika = Populus tremula
Georg von Wühlisch, 2012, professional article

Abstract: Tehnične smernice so namenjene vsem, ki cenijo dragocen genski sklad trepetlike in njegovo varovanje z ohranjanjem semenskih virov in rabo v gozdarski praksi. Namen smernic je ohranitev genetske raznolikosti vrste v evropskem merilu. Priporočila v sestavku so temelj, ki ga je treba dopolniti in še naprej razvijati ob upoštevanju lokalnih, nacionalnih ali regionalnih razmer. Navodila temeljijo na razpoložljivem znanju o vrstah in splošno sprejetih metodah za ohranjanje gozdnih genskih virov. Slovenski dodatek prikazuje naravno razširjenost trepetlike in belega topola v Sloveniji, v njem so opisana njuna značilna rastišča in ekološke razmere, ki so ustrezne za njuno uspevanje, ter rastlinske združbe, v katerih se pojavljata. Posebej je omenjen pomen različnih oblik mikorize, ki trepetliki in belemu topolu omogočajo preživeti tudi na degradiranih rastiščih.
Keywords: genski viri, drevesne vrste, tehnične smernice, trepetlika, Populus tremula, Populus alba, beli topol
Published in DiRROS: 20.12.2023; Views: 574; Downloads: 156
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Ectomycorrhizal fungal community in mature white poplar plantation
Marina Milović, Saša Orlović, Tine Grebenc, Marko Bajc, Branislav Kovačević, Hojka Kraigher, 2021, original scientific article

Abstract: Ectomycorrhizal communities are rarely studied on seasonal basis, especially in poplar plantations. In this study we analysed the ectomycorrhizal community in a mature twenty-year-old white poplar (Populus alba L.) plantation during four consecutive seasons. Using morpho-anatomical and molecular identification 30 taxa of ectomycorrhizal fungi were recorded of which 15 were identified to the species level, 12 to the genus level, 2 to the family, and one morphotype of ectomycorrhizae remained unidentified. The most abundant among identified ectomycorrhizal fungi were: Inocybe griseovelata, Inocybe splendens, Tuber rufum, and Tomentella sp. 2, which together represented up to 50% of all ectomycorrhizal root tips. The number of ectomycorrhizal fungal taxa and the percentage of vital ectomycorrhizal root tips were highest in winter and spring, respectively. The diversity indices of ectomycorrhizae, number of vital ectomycorrhizal root tips, and total fine roots in the studied poplar plantation did not differ between seasons. Ectomycorrhizal fungi belonging to Inocybaceae family and the short-distance exploration strategy were dominant in all four seasons. On the other hand, the abundance of ectomycorrhizal root tips belonging to the medium-distance exploration strategy type was significantly higher in spring in comparison with autumn and winter.
Keywords: Populus alba L., Ectomycorrhizal diversity, morpho-anatomical characterization, molecular identification, seasons
Published in DiRROS: 03.12.2021; Views: 1225; Downloads: 632
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