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Thermal insulation and flammability of composite waste polyurethane foam encapsulated in geopolymer for sustainable building envelope
Barbara Horvat, Nataša Knez, Uroš Hribar, Jakob Koenig, Branka Mušič, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: Polyurethane foam (PUR) is a lightweight, thermally insulating, widely used, and highly flammable material that has after its use an adverse effect on the environment, i.e., PUR disposal is considered hazardous. Its flammability can be mitigated using various fire retardants, but they do not change the hazardous nature of waste PUR. Therefore, in the current study, waste PUR with and without flame retardants based on N and P was incorporated into a geopolymer, the alkali-activated material (AAM) based solely on metakaolin, to evaluate the potential recycling route of waste PUR while taking into account its flammability, so it can enter safely into the circular economy through the building industry. To enhance the mechanical properties of the composite, a fresh mixture was irradiated with microwaves. However, the irradiation of geopolymer containing PUR negatively influenced mechanical performance, which led to the evaluation of the behaviour of the complex dielectric constant of PUR and fire retardants. Materials and composites were evaluated regarding their chemistry, mineralogy, microstructure, and porosity to connect the structure with extrinsic properties like geometrical density, thermal conductivity, and fire properties. Nonetheless, positive influences of PUR being encapsulated in the geopolymer were lowered density (from 1.8 to 1.6 kg/l) and improved thermal insulation ability (from 940 to 860 mW/(m·K)) of the composites: with the inclusion of <5 % of PUR, thermal insulation improved by nearly 10 %. However, the contribution of PUR to the composite originated from its skeleton, which has more than 15 times bigger geometrical density (0.81 kg/l) compared to the density of the skeleton (0.047 kg/l). This offers an open field for further advancements of thermal properties, but would also lead to a decrease of the compressive strength, which was already lowered from 90 MPa for 30 % with <5 % of added grated PUR. Furthermore, the flammable nature of PUR and its other drawbacks can be controlled by permanent embedding in the noncombustible structure of geopolymer, making the envelope of sustainable buildings green and safer. Overall, including grated waste PUR in geopolymer represents a promising, easy, cost-effective recycling path with low energy consumption, where the composite cannot develop fire on a scale of pure PUR, even in the worst-case scenario, but only if the composite is designed in a way, that flammable materials cannot join flames during their combustion. This paper gives prospects to other flammable waste materials to be safely used in the circular economy, and to porous materials to shape properties of the composite by their intrinsic and/or extrinsic properties.
Keywords: waste polyurethane foam, polymeric flame retardants, alkali activated material, metakaolin, microwave irradiation, thermal-fire behaviour, mechanical strength
Published in DiRROS: 01.03.2024; Views: 1063; Downloads: 943
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PUR in geopolymer
Barbara Horvat, Nataša Knez, Uroš Hribar, Jakob Koenig, Branka Mušič, 2024, complete scientific database of research data

Abstract: The dataset supports the results shown in the tables and figures in the article entitled “Thermal insulation and flammability of composite waste polyurethane foam encapsulated in geopolymer for sustainable building envelope” (doi: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2024.141387). It contains measurements of fire-behaviour characteristics, thermal conductivity, the behaviour of the material in the electromagnetic field in relation to the frequency, mechanical and structural evaluation, as well as chemical and mineralogical analysis.
Keywords: measurements, waste polyurethane foam, polymeric flame retardants, alkali activated material, metakaolin, microwave irradiation, thermal-fire behaviour, mechanical strength
Published in DiRROS: 20.02.2024; Views: 909; Downloads: 320
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Improving the flame retardancy of wood using an eco-friendly mineralisation process
Andreja Pondelak, Andrijana Sever Škapin, Nataša Knez, Friderik Knez, Tomaž Pazlar, 2021, original scientific article

Abstract: A novel environmentally friendly method for in situ formation of CaCO3 deep inside a wood’s structure is presented. The method is based on vacuum-pressure impregnation using a one-component treatment medium – a water solution of calcium acetoacetate - and a single stage process to significantly improve the fire retardancy of the treated material.
Keywords: mineralisation, flame retardancy, calcium acetoacetate, calcium carbonate, wood
Published in DiRROS: 31.07.2023; Views: 910; Downloads: 630
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Effects of selected printing parameters on the fire properties of 3D-printed neat polylactic acid (PLA) and wood/PLA composites
Nataša Knez, Mirko Kariž, Friderik Knez, Nadir Ayrilmis, Manja Kitek Kuzman, 2021, original scientific article

Abstract: The effects of selected printing parameters on the fire properties of additively produced composites from neat polylactic acid (PLA) and wood/PLA filaments were investigated. The reaction to fire of the 3D-printed specimens was tested according to the ISO 5660-1 cone calorimeter test method. The results showed that the properties of the specimens when exposed to fire were significantly affected by the incorporation of wood flour into the PLA filament. It was also interesting that PLA specimens had much better reactions to fire than the wood/PLA specimens. Time to ignition was found to be much longer in the 3D-printed PLA specimens. Although the maximal heat release rate was a little higher in the PLA than the wood/PLA specimens, the duration of HRR was longer for the wood/PLA specimens. The initial mass of the specimens was smaller in the wood/PLA composites, but during the radiant heat exposure the mass typically decreased slower than in the PLA specimens.
Keywords: reaction to fire, wood, polylactic acid (PLA), filament, 3D printer, biocomposite
Published in DiRROS: 17.07.2023; Views: 700; Downloads: 436
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Use of the modified controlled atmosphere cone calorimeter for the assessment of fire effluents generated by burning wood under different ventilation conditions
Friderik Knez, Matija Uršič, Nataša Knez, Kelly Peeters, Mladen Franko, Primož Zidar, 2021, original scientific article

Abstract: The ISO 5660-1 cone calorimeter is an affordable, practical, and commonly used solution for the measurement of main fire properties of products and materials. Among its chief drawbacks is its limited ability to reproduce combustion conditions found in real fires. This deficiency is mainly due to its inability to control oxygen availability in order to simulate an underventilated fire. As several toxic or potentially toxic species are formed primarily in oxygen-poor conditions, the controlled atmosphere cone calorimeter (CACC), now defined in ISO 5660-5, is a major improvement when trying to study the toxicity of fire effluents. A proposed additional modification of the CACC via the introduction of chimney sampling ports and oxygen sensors improves the reproducibility and veracity of effluent sampling. This approach allows the implementation of various techniques to sample, collect, and analyze the generated fire effluents. In this study, the experimental set-up was used to capture fire effluents generated by burning wood under different ventilation conditions. A gas chromatograph coupled with mass spectrometer was used to assess and compare the chemical composition of the collected samples. The results obtained with the new experimental set-up proved the ability of the system to reproducibly generate fire effluents under various controlled burning circumstances. It could prove useful as a tool in characterizing the toxicity of fire effluents from various materials on a benchtop scale and ultimately contribute data for the numerical modeling of toxicity of fire effluents in real buildings.
Keywords: modified cone calorimeter, controlled atmosphere, wood, fire effluents, open access
Published in DiRROS: 14.07.2023; Views: 995; Downloads: 618
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Environmentally friendly protection of European beech against fire and fungal decay using a combination of thermal modification and mineralisation
Rožle Repič, Andreja Pondelak, Davor Kržišnik, Miha Humar, Nataša Knez, Friderik Knez, Andrijana Sever Škapin, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: The demand for construction timber is continuously increasing, due to its favourable characteristics. However, the adequate protection of wood is key to its successful use, as it is flammable and susceptible to biodegradation. Given that thermal modification enhances the durability of wood, and mineralisation with CaCO3 considerably improves its fire properties, it is worth considering the combined effects of the two methods. European beech (Fagus sylvatica) was selected to determine the effects of a) thermal modification, b) mineralisation through the in-situ formation of CaCO3, and c) a combination of the two procedures, on resistance to decay fungi, reaction to fire and the mechanical properties of the wood. Microscopic analysis and comparisons of the samples before and after exposure to fungi were also conducted. Mineralised wood generally had a slightly alkaline pH value and higher equilibrium moisture content, while thermal modification lowered the equilibrium moisture content. The present study demonstrated the combined effect of thermal modification and mineralisation: the best response to fire as well as resistance to fungi was achieved when the two treatments were combined. Results from the Brinell hardness and three-point bending tests indicate that both modification procedures can slightly impair the mechanical properties of the wood.
Keywords: wood, protection, durability, mechanical properties
Published in DiRROS: 12.07.2023; Views: 854; Downloads: 610
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Flame retardant behaviour and physical-mechanical properties of polymer synergistic systems in rigid polyurethane foams
Branka Mušič, Nataša Knez, Janez Bernard, 2022, original scientific article

Abstract: In the presented work, the influence of two flame retardants—ammonium polyphosphates and 2,4,6-triamino-1,3,5-triazine on the polyurethane foam (PUR) systems were studied. In this paper, these interactive properties are studied by using the thermal analytical techniques, TGA and DTA, which enable the various thermal transitions and associated volatilization to be studied and enable the connection of the results with thermal and mechanical analysis, as are thermal conductivities, compression and bending behavior, hardness, flammability, and surface morphology. In this way, a greater understanding of what the addition of fire retardants to polyurethane foams means for system flammability itself and, on the other hand, how this addition affects the mechanical properties of PUR may be investigated. It was obtained that retardants significantly increase the fire resistance of the PURs systems while they do not affect the thermal conductivity and only slightly decrease the mechanical properties of the systems. Therefore, the presented systems seem to be applicable as thermal insulation where low heat conductivity coupled with high flame resistance is required.
Keywords: flammability, polyurethane polymer, foams, thermal conductivity, mechanical properties, open access
Published in DiRROS: 08.06.2023; Views: 863; Downloads: 424
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Synergistic effect of screen-printed Al(OH)3 nanoparticles and phosphorylated cellulose nanofibrils on the thermophysiological comfort and high-intensive heat protection properties of flame-retardant fabric
Tjaša Kolar, Jelka Geršak, Nataša Knez, Vanja Kokol, 2022, original scientific article

Abstract: Al(OH)3 nanoparticles (ATH NPs) and phosphorylated cellulose nanofibrils (PCNFs) were used as user-friendly and comfortable coating components on flame-retardant fabric to improve its thermophysiological comfort and high-intensive heat protection properties. The effect of the PCNF imprinting and its attachment after the post-printing of a hydrophobic polyacrylate (AP) on the same (back side) or the other (front) side of the fabric, with and without the addition of ATH NPs, was considered, to maintain the front side (facing the wearer) as hydrophilic while keeping the back side (facing the outside) hydrophobic. The amount of coatings applied and their patterning were studied, varied with the ATH NPs’ concentration (1.7, 3.3 and 6.7 wt%) and screen mesh size used (60 and 135), based on the coating’ mass, fabric’s air permeability, thickness and microstructure. The reduced moisture build-up (55%), increased the water vapour (13%) and heat (12%) transfer from the skin, were assessed by applying PCNF under the AP, being more pronounced in the case of using a 135 mesh-sized screen, given the smaller, more densely distributed, thinner and imprinted pattern coatings. These effects were further improved by the addition of nanoporous ATH NPs, which allowed more homogeneous spreading of the moisture and its faster transport. Such a treatment also shifted the fabric’s degradation temperature towards higher values (up to 15°C), retained up to 30% of high-heat flux (21 kW/m2), prolonged the time to ignition by 11 s and reduced the total heat released by up to 60%, thereby providing better protection when exposed to the heat, due to the presence of the phosphorous (PCNF) promoted generation of an Al2O3 char acting as a barrier layer, while also reducing the production of heat and generation of smoke by 75%.
Keywords: flame-retardant textile, Al(OH)3 nanoparticles, phosphorylated cellulose nanofibrils, screen-printing, thermophysiological comfort, heat protection
Published in DiRROS: 28.04.2023; Views: 864; Downloads: 345
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