1. Poročilo o rezultatih letnega panela nacionalne gozdne inventure Slovenije 2023Mitja Skudnik, Luka Krajnc, Gal Kušar, Anže Martin Pintar, 2024, treatise, preliminary study, study Keywords: nacionalna gozdna inventura, gozdovi, gozdarstvo, odmrla lesna, biomasa, temeljnica, površina gozda, lesna zaloga, vzorčne ploskve, poročila Published in DiRROS: 26.11.2024; Views: 62; Downloads: 416 Full text (3,93 MB) |
2. Pestrost in pojavljanje domačih in tujerodnih drevesnih in grmovnih vrst na ploskvah nacionalne gozdne inventure v SlovenijiAnže Martin Pintar, Andreja Ferreira, Luka Krajnc, Gal Kušar, Mitja Skudnik, 2024, original scientific article Abstract: V Sloveniji spremljamo stanje in razvoj gozdov na nacionalni ravni z Nacionalno gozdno inventuro (NGI). V prispevku smo analizirali pestrost pojavljanja drevesnih in grmovnih vrst ter preverili pojavljanje tujerodnih drevesnih vrst v slovenskih gozdovih. Glede na literaturo v Sloveniji uspeva 71 avtohtonih drevesnih vrst, od katerih jih je bilo 60 zaznanih med merskimi drevesi na mreži ploskev NGI gostote 2 x 2 km. Največje povprečno število merskih dreves in grmov, kot tudi Shannon-Wienerjev indeks vrstne pestrosti, smo ugotovili na vzorčnih ploskvah v Predalpski ekološki regiji (H' = 0,85), najmanjše pa v Alpski ekološki regiji (H' = 0,58). Lesna zaloga merskih dreves in grmov v celotni Sloveniji dosega 330,7 m3/ha ± 2,1 %, lesna zaloga podmerskih dreves in grmov (prsni premer do 10 cm) pa 9,7 m3/ha ± 5,9 %. V lesni zalogi merskih drevesnih in grmovnih vrst prevladujeta bukev (Fagus sylvatica) (31,9 %) in smreka (Picea abies) (28,2 %), med merskimi grmovnimi vrstami je največ navadne leske (Corylus avellana) (85,0 %). Na ploskvah NGI je bilo zabeleženih 10 različnih tujerodnih drevesnih vrst na 138 ploskvah, največkrat so bile popisane v Submediteranski in Predpanonski ekološki regiji. V lesni zalogi tujerodnih drevesnih vrst prevladuje robinija (Robinia pseudoacacia). V lesni zalogi podmerskega drevja z 32,4 % prevladuje bukev, več kot 10,0 % lesne zaloge prispevata še navadna smreka in mali jesen (Fraxinus ornus). V lesni zalogi popisanih podmerskih grmovnih vrst prevladuje leska z 78,3 %, več kot 2 % dosegajo še rumeni dren (Cornus mas), navadni srobot (Clematis vitalba) in črni bezeg (Sambucus nigra). Predstavljeni rezultati kažejo, da je kombinacija panelnega sistema, večjega števila vzorčnih ploskev (3027) in izboljšanega šifranta omogočila prvo celostno objektivno ovrednotenje pestrosti pojavljanja drevesnih in grmovnih vrst ter prisotnosti tujerodnih vrst v slovenskih gozdovih. Keywords: nacionalna gozdna inventura, Slovenija, vrstna pestrost, drevesne vrste, grmovne vrste, tujerodne vrste, lesna zaloga Published in DiRROS: 29.10.2024; Views: 269; Downloads: 1197 Full text (4,35 MB) |
3. High-resolution Pan-European forest structure maps : an integration of earth observation and national forest inventory dataJukka Miettinen, Patricia Adame, Radim Adolt, Iciar Alberdi, Oleg Antropov, Ólafur Arnarsson, Rasmus Astrup, Ambros Berger, Jón Bogason, Gherardo Chirici, Luka Krajnc, Mitja Skudnik, 2024, complete scientific database of research data Keywords: uneven-aged forest, lidar data, canopy height model, voxels, canopy height diversity Published in DiRROS: 13.08.2024; Views: 415; Downloads: 662 Full text (2,00 MB) This document has many files! More... |
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5. How beech provenance affects the structure of secondary xylem, leaf traits, and the ectomycorrhizal community under optimal growth conditionsTanja Mrak, Jožica Gričar, Tina Unuk Nahberger, Gregor Božič, Luka Krajnc, Peter Prislan, Domen Arnič, Tom Levanič, Hojka Kraigher, 2024, original scientific article Abstract: Beyond growth parameters and drought tolerance, comparatively little is known about the functioning of different beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) provenances. We investigated properties of leaves, stem secondary xylem, and ectomycorrhiza (ECM), and explored their interdependencies to identify the best performing beech provenance in optimal growth conditions. The study was conducted on 23-year-old trees in a provenance trial. The investigated provenances originated from Atlantic (Belgium—BE), Alpine (Italy—IT, Slovenia—SI), and continental climates (the Czech Republic—CZ). A significant effect of provenance was observed for stem vessel diameters and conductive area, as well as for foliar %C, δ13C, δ15N, and δ18O. δ13C as a proxy of intrinsic water use efficiency (iWUE) showed that the highest iWUE was achieved in BE provenance. Individuals with a better iWUE had wider growth rings regardless of provenance. Better iWUE was associated with lower specific leaf area (SLA). ECM community composition and diversity indices did not differ significantly among the provenances. Specific ECM taxa were associated with individuals with high SLA, δ13C, δ15N, and δ18O. In optimal growth conditions with no stress events, BE is a promising provenance due to an efficient water conducting system with high vessel diameters and conductive area, and high iWUE, while Alpine provenances showed an adaptation of their water conducting system to freezing conditions at their original locations. Integrating findings from different compartments improves our understanding of functioning of different beech provenances. Keywords: Fagus sylvatica, provenance trial, stable isotopes, specific leaf area, xylem vessels, ectomycorrhizal fungi Published in DiRROS: 19.04.2024; Views: 556; Downloads: 875 Full text (2,11 MB) This document has many files! More... |
6. Microstructure and properties variation of high-performance grey cast iron via small boron additionsGrega Klančnik, Jaka Burja, Urška Klančnik, Barbara Šetina, Luka Krajnc, Andrej Resnik, 2024, original scientific article Keywords: boron, cast iron, solidification, thermal analysis, Thermo-Calc Published in DiRROS: 07.02.2024; Views: 584; Downloads: 299 Full text (3,11 MB) This document has many files! More... |
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8. Možnosti rabe lesa listavcev v slovenskem biogospodarstvu : vsebinsko poročiloPeter Prislan, Špela Ščap, Matevž Triplat, Nike Krajnc, Luka Krajnc, Domen Arnič, Aleš Straže, Dominika Gornik Bučar, Jože Kropivšek, Luka Juvančič, 2023, final research report Keywords: potenciali gozdov, raba lesa listavcev, lesno-predelovalna industrija, gozdno lesne verige vrednosti, tehnologije predelave lesa, biogospodarstvo, makroekonomska analiza Published in DiRROS: 11.01.2024; Views: 602; Downloads: 250 Full text (6,00 MB) |
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