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Stabilization of river dredged sediments by means of alkali activation technology
Karmen Fifer Bizjak, Lea Žibret, Mojca Božič, Boštjan Gregorc, Vilma Ducman, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: Purpose Alkali activation process has been applied to fresh river clay-rich sediments in order to increase their mechanical properties and make them suitable for soil stabilization. Materials and methods Dredged sediments were mixed with up to 30 mass percent (ma%) of fly ash (FA) or ladle slag (LS) and after curing for 3 days at 60 °C, the bending and compressive strength have been determined. The mixtures which exhibited the highest strengths were further optimized for being used in soil stabilization. For this purpose, the sediment was stabilized with 4 ma% of quicklime (QL) and after 1 h 30 ma% of FA with alkali activator was added and cured for 1, 7 and 28 days. Results The stabilized sediment has a significantely better geomechanical performance in comparison with the sediment alone. Stabilizing the dredged sediment using alkali activation technology provides high enough strengths to eventually make it suitable for anti-flood embankments. Conclusions The results confirmed the suitability of the investigated technology for soil stabilization.
Keywords: river sediment, alkali activated materials, ladle slag, fly ash, mechanical strength, soil stabilization
Published in DiRROS: 09.09.2024; Views: 397; Downloads: 4775
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Environmental life cycle assessment of railway bridge materials using UHPFRC
Karmen Fifer Bizjak, Aljoša Šajna, Katja Slanc, Friderik Knez, 2016, original scientific article

Abstract: The railway infrastructure is a very important component of the world’s total transportation network. Investment in its construction and maintenance is significant on a global scale. Previously published life cycle assessment (LCA) studies performed on road and rail systems very seldom included infrastructures in detail, mainly choosing to focus on vehicle manufacturing and fuel consumption. This article presents results from an environmental study for railway steel bridge materials for the demonstration case of the Buna Bridge in Croatia. The goal of these analyses was to compare two different types of remediation works for railway bridges with different materials and construction types. In the first part, the environmental impact of the classical concrete bridge construction was calculated, whereas in the second one, an alternative new solution, namely, the strengthening of the old steel bridge with ultra-high-performance fibre-reinforced concrete (UHPFRC) deck, was studied. The results of the LCA show that the new solution with UHPFRC deck gives much better environmental performance. Up to now, results of LCA of railway open lines, railway bridges and tunnels have been published, but detailed analyses of the new solution with UHPFRC deck above the old bridge have not previously been performed.
Keywords: railway, materials, ife cycle assessment, bridge, environmental
Published in DiRROS: 23.08.2024; Views: 356; Downloads: 293
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Water retention properties of stiff silt
Barbara Likar, Vikica Kuk, Karmen Fifer Bizjak, 2017, original scientific article

Abstract: Recent research into the behaviour of soils has shown that it is in fact much more complex than can be described by the mechanics of saturated soils. Nowadays the trend of investigations has shifted towards the unsaturated state. Despite the significant progress that has been made so far, there are still a lot of unanswered questions related to the behaviour of unsaturated soils. For this reason, in the field of geotechnics some new concepts are developed, which include the study of soil suction. Most research into soil suction has involved clayey and silty material, whereas up until recently no data have been available about measurements in very stiff preconsolidated sandy silt. Very stiff preconsolidated sandy silt is typical of the Krško Basin, where it is planned that some very important geotechnical structures will be built, so that knowledge about the behaviour of such soils at increased or decreased water content is essential. Several different methods can be used for soil suction measurements. In the paper the results of measurements carried out on very stiff preconsolidated sandy silt in a Bishop - Wesley double-walled triaxial cell are presented and compared with the results of soil suction measurements performed by means of a potentiometer (WP4C). All the measurement results were evaluated taking into account already known results given in the literature, using the three most commonly used mathematical models. Until now a lot of papers dealing with suction measurements in normal Consolidated and preconsolidated clay have been published. Measurements on very stiff preconsolidated sandy silt, as presented in this paper were not supported before.
Keywords: peščeni melj, trdni melji, sukcija, Bishop - Wesley triaksialna celica, retencijska krivulja, potenciometer WP4C
Published in DiRROS: 14.08.2024; Views: 381; Downloads: 184
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Validation of the recycled backfill material for the landslide stabilization at a railway line
Karmen Fifer Bizjak, Barbara Likar, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: In mountain areas landslides many times endanger safety of transport infrastructures, and these must be stabilized with retaining wall structures. In this paper the validation of a new composite as a backfill material for landslide stabilization with a large scale demo retaining wall is presented. The new composite was made from residues of paper industry, which uses for its production deinking process. New composite was validated with the laboratory tests, construction of small demo sites and at the end with a large demo retaining wall structure with a length of 50 m. It was concluded that the paper sludge ash and the paper sludge are in proportion 70:30, compacted on the optimal water content and maximum dry density, reached sufficient uniaxial compressive and shear strength. However, the composite's hydration processes required the definition of an optimal time between the composite mixing and installation. In 2019, the retaining wall structure from the new composite was successfully built. The large demo structure is an example of the knowledge transfer from the laboratory to the construction site, in which composite and installing technology could be verified.
Keywords: landslides, recycled backfill material, paper sludge ash, geotechnical composite, railway line, recycled material, environment
Published in DiRROS: 26.03.2024; Views: 514; Downloads: 372
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Enhancing circular business model implementation in pulp and paper industry (PPI) : a phase-based implementation guide to waste valorisation strategiesa
Amaia Sopelana, Asier Oleaga, Juan José Cepriá, Karmen Fifer Bizjak, Helena Paiva, Francisco-Javier Rios-Davila, Adriana H. Martinez, Antonio Cañas, 2023, original scientific article

Abstract: Innovation in the circular economy (CE) and the deployment of effective circular business models (CBM) have attracted significant attention in times of growing natural resource scarcity. Despite this widespread interest, significant challenges remain between theoretical innovations and effective CBM implementation in any industrial sector where companies pursue cost-saving opportunities through waste valorisation strategies. Since current methods mislead in terms of the real limitations to designing feasible novel products and services under a circular economy, this study proposes exploring determinants underpinning the organisational resilience of CBMs under a resource efficiency strategy through three case studies. As a result of a co-creation process, the implementation of a CBM framework was built upon empirical data and, thence, a phase-based implementation guide was laid out to assist companies in designing and implementing innovative CBM dealing with the complexity of innovative waste valorisation strategies between the PPI and construction sectors. Relevant findings on managerial and policy recommendations encountered along the demo stage are provided in this paper favouring an effective implementation of CE strategies: the role of technological and non-technological aspects within the CBM, the perspective of the ecosystem and its value proposition, and specific guidelines for the different phases of CBM life cycle.
Keywords: circular business models (CBMs), resource recovery, waste valorisation, strategic management, pulp and paper industry (PPI), construction sector
Published in DiRROS: 13.12.2023; Views: 634; Downloads: 320
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Corrosion monitoring of steel structure coating degradation
Bojan Zajec, Mirjam Bajt Leban, Tadeja Kosec, Viljem Kuhar, Andraž Legat, Stanislav Lenart, Karmen Fifer Bizjak, Gavin Kenneth, 2018, original scientific article

Abstract: An important aspect regarding the sustainability of steel structures is to ensure the structure is protected from corrosion. A number of surface coatings are availablethat play an important role in protecting these structures. An important part of the management of these structures is reliable and regular inspection along with methods forearly detection of corrosion processes. In this paper, a development and application of sensors for monitoring the steel coating degradation and corrosion damage to steelsubstrate are presented. An encapsulated corrosion kit with integrated EIS sensors and ER probes was developed. To test its efficiency, steel probes were coated withselected coatings in the laboratory and their performance was assessed under various aggressive atmospheres, including; salt, industrial and humid atmosphere.
Keywords: coatings, corrosion, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, electrical resistance probes, railways, steel structures
Published in DiRROS: 13.12.2023; Views: 628; Downloads: 355
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Quantified joint surface description and joint shear strength of small rock samples
Karmen Fifer Bizjak, Andraž Geršak, 2018, original scientific article

Abstract: Geotechnical structures in rock masses such as tunnels, underground caverns, dam foundations and rock slopes often have problems with a jointed rock mass. The shear behaviour of a jointed rock mass depends on the mechanical behaviour of the discontinuities in that particular rock mass. If we want to understand the mechanical behaviour of a jointed rock mass, it is necessary to study the deformation and strength of a single joint. One of the primary objectives of this work is to improve the understanding of the frictional behaviour of rough rock joints under shear loads with regard to the roughness of the joint surface. The main problem is how to measure and quantify the roughness of the surface joint and connect the morphological parameters into a shear strength criterion. Until now, several criteria have been developed; however, all of them used large rock samples (20×10×10 cm). It is often not possible to get large samples, especially when the rock is under a few meters thick layer of soil. In this case, samples of rock can only be acquired with investigation borehole drilling, which means that the samples of rock are small and of different shapes. The paper presents the modified criterion that is suitable for calculating the peak shear stress of small samples.
Keywords: camera-type 3D scanner, rock mechanics rock joint, roughness of the joints, rock joint shear strength
Published in DiRROS: 11.12.2023; Views: 674; Downloads: 344
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Izgradnja lizimetrov za preučevanje izpiranja potencionalno nevarnih snovi iz gradbenih proizvodov
Janez Turk, Janko Urbanc, Ana Mladenovič, Alenka Sešek Pavlin, Primož Oprčkal, Karmen Fifer Bizjak, Barbara Likar, Marko Brodnik, Nina Mali, 2020, original scientific article

Abstract: Z uporabo recikliranih odpadkov v gradbeništvu nadomeščamo naravne materiale in s tem vzpostavljamo krožno gospodarstvo na lokalnem nivoju. Pomemben vidik je tudi ohranjanje naravnih virov. To je še posebno pereče pri zemeljskih delih (npr. zasipih in nasipih), kjer prihaja do velike porabe materialov. Geotehnični kompoziti iz recikliranih materialov, v primerjavi z naravnimi agregati ali zemljinami, lahko vsebujejo višje celotne koncentracije potencialno nevarnih snovi (težke kovine, klorid, sulfat, fluorid, organska onesnaževala itd.). Pogoj za uporabo takšnih kompozitov je, da so v njih potencialno nevarne snovi imobilizirane in da so zato iz kemijskega vidika trajno inertni. Možni vplivi na okolje, predvsem prenos različnih potencialno nevarnih snovi iz kompozitov v tla oziroma vodonosnik, so običajno ovrednoteni na laboratorijski ravni, medtem ko je njihovo obnašanje v dejanskem okolju slabo proučeno. Zato se pojavljajo zahteve po razvoju občutljivih, zanesljivih in cenovno ter časovno učinkovitih orodij za določitev masnih tokov potencialno nevarnih snovi iz gradbenih proizvodov, na primer geotehničnih kompozitov, pod vplivi različnih okoljskih dejavnikov. V članku predstavljamo postopek vzpostavitve terenskega laboratorija na osnovi sistema "pan" lizimetrov, za zbiranje izcednih voda iz zasipov, ki so bili izdelani iz geotehničnih kompozitov iz recikliranih materialov. Lizimetre smo konstruirali in izvedli tako, da je njihova izgradnja cenovno ugodna, hkrati pa so po svojih dimenzijah dovolj veliki, da reprezentativno odražajo procese v zgrajenih geotehničnih zasipih. Pridobljeni podatki o količini in parametrih izcedne vode bodo služili kot osnova za določanje vodne bilance in za študij imobilizacije potencialno nevarnih snovi v kompozitih. Hkrati bodo uporabljeni kot vhodni podatki za geokemijski numerični model, s katerim bomo simulirali transport potencialno nevarnih snovi, sproščenih iz preučevanih kompozitov, v različnih tipih vodonosnikov (npr. medzrnski in razpoklinski).
Keywords: lizimeter, izlužek, okoljski monitoring, geotehnični zasip, odpadki
Published in DiRROS: 12.09.2023; Views: 867; Downloads: 412
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Using recycled material from the paper industry as a backfill material for retaining walls near railway lines
Karmen Fifer Bizjak, Barbara Likar, Stanislav Lenart, 2021, original scientific article

Abstract: The construction industry uses a large amount of natural virgin material for different geotechnical structures. In Europe alone, 11 million tonnes of solid waste is generated per year as a result of the production of almost 100 million tonnes of paper. The objective of this research is to develop a new geotechnical composite from residues of the deinking paper industry and to present its practical application, e.g., as a backfill material behind a retaining structure. After different mixtures were tested in a laboratory, the technology was validated by building a pilot retaining wall structure in a landslide region near a railway line. It was confirmed that a composite with 30% deinking sludge and 70% deinking sludge ash had a high enough strength but experienced some deformations before failure. Special attention was paid to the impact of transport, which, due to the time lag between the mixing and installation of the composite, significantly reduced its strength. The pilot retaining wall structure promotes the use of recycled materials with a sustainable design, while adhering to government-mandated measures.
Keywords: paper sludge ash, deinking sludge, paper industry, backfill material, retaining wall
Published in DiRROS: 04.07.2023; Views: 673; Downloads: 362
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Valorized deinking paper residue as fill material for geotechnical structures
Karmen Fifer Bizjak, Barbara Likar, Ana Mladenovič, Vesna Zalar Serjun, 2021, original scientific article

Abstract: This study introduces a novel geotechnical composite material comprising two types of fill material sourced from the paper industry-deinking paper sludge ash (DPSA) and deinking paper sludge (DPS). Five composites with different DPSA and DPS contents were investigated. Two composites were selected for further analyses. The technology and procedure for composite installation were implemented in field tests. The composites with 80% and 70% DPSA exhibited the elasticity required to withstand minor landslide slip deformations, in addition to achieving sufficiently high values of uniaxial compressive strength. The composites had a low maximum dry density value, which led to fewer settlements in the entire support structure. The enhanced shear characteristics can enable the construction of a thinner retaining wall. The delay between preparation and installation of the composites was further investigated. The field tests confirmed that the composites with 80% and 70% DPSA can be installed on the construction site 4 h and even 24 h after mixing. In 2018, a retaining wall structure with 70% DPSA and 30% DPS was successfully implemented near a railway line using conventional technology as followed-up research to the herein presented study. Results have been derived from work performed in the scope of the H2020 Paperchain project in which novel circular economy models centered on the valorization of the waste streams generated by the pulp and paper industry as secondary raw material for several resource-intensive sectors, including the construction sector, have been developed. Environmental benefits are savings in natural raw materials, reduction of landfill disposal as well as CO2 emission reduction.
Keywords: deinking paper sludge ash, deinking paper sludge, secondary resources, fill material, geotechnical structure, landslide, open access
Published in DiRROS: 04.07.2023; Views: 701; Downloads: 567
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