1. Using lidar data to analyse sinkhole characteristics relevant for understory vegetation under forest cover-case study of a high karst area in the Dinaric mountainsMilan Kobal, Irena Bertoncelj, Francesco Pirotti, Igor Dakskobler, Lado Kutnar, 2015, original scientific article Abstract: In this article, we investigate the potential for detection and characterization of sinkholes under dense forest cover by using airborne laser scanning data. Laser pulse returns from the ground provide important data for the estimation of digital elevation model (DEM), which can be used for further processing. The main objectives of this study were to map and determine the geomorphometric characteristics of a large number of sinkholes and to investigate the correlations between geomorphology and vegetation in areas with such characteristics. The selected study area has very low anthropogenic influences and is particularly suitable for studying undisturbed karst sinkholes. The information extracted from this study regarding the shapes and depths of sinkholes show significant directionality for both orientation of sinkholes and their distribution over the area. Furthermore, significant differences in vegetation diversity and composition occur inside and outside the sinkholes, which indicates their presence has important ecological impacts. Keywords: sinkholes, geomorphology, vegetation Published in DiRROS: 26.07.2024; Views: 497; Downloads: 308
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2. Tehnične smernice za ohranjanje in rabo genskih virov : lipa in lipovec = Tilia platyphyllos, Tilia cordataIgor Dakskobler, Robert Brus, Andrej Verlič, Nikica Ogris, Gregor Božič, 2013, professional article Keywords: genski viri, drevesne vrste, tehnične smernice, lipa, Tilia platyphyllos, lipovec, Tilia cordata, Slovenija Published in DiRROS: 20.12.2023; Views: 716; Downloads: 0 |
3. Tehnične smernice za ohranjanje in rabo genskih virov : macesen = Larix deciduaIgor Dakskobler, Gregor Božič, Hojka Kraigher, 2011, professional article Keywords: genski viri, drevesne vrste, tehnične smernice, macesen, Larix decidua, Slovenija Published in DiRROS: 18.12.2023; Views: 622; Downloads: 193
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4. Phytosociological description of the dwarf mountain pine shrub community (Amelanchiero ovalis-Pinetum mugo) in the valleys of the Slovenian AlpsIgor Dakskobler, Mateja Cojzer, Andrej Rozman, 2023, original scientific article Abstract: We have expanded our knowledge of the localities, sites and distribution of the Amelanchiero ovalis-Pinetum mugo association in the Slovenian Alps. Based on phytocenological analyses, the shrub association belonging to the forest vegetation type Alpine mountain pine scrub was divided into two subassociations: peucedanetosum oreoselini and hylocomiadelphetosum triquetri. We also described four variants within the latter association. Keywords: phytosociology, synsystematics, Pinus mugo, Natura 2000, Triglav National Park, Topla Landscape Park, Slovenia Published in DiRROS: 27.06.2023; Views: 1816; Downloads: 791
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6. Značilnosti rastlinstva, živalstva in gozdnih sestojev v povodju Liščaka v južnih Julijskih AlpahPeter Razpet, Karin Rutar, Erik Kragelj, Igor Dakskobler, 2023, original scientific article Abstract: Članek vsebuje opis značilnosti rastlinstva in živalstva odmaknjene, le po stezah dostopne in skoraj povsem gozdnate grape v zahodni Sloveniji. Raznolikost gozdnih združb in sestojev je povezana z naravnimi značilnostmi, karbonatno-silikatno geološko podlago in velikimi strminami, a tudi s pozno poselitvijo in popolnim izumrtjem zaselkov pred petdesetimi leti in več. Bukovi sestoji, ki so jih nekoč zelo sekali, se že dolgo razvijajo po naravnih zakonitostih, nanje koreniteje vplivajo predvsem vetrolomi in žled. Pionirska grmišča in gozdovi so raznoliki po zgradbi in vrstni sestavi. V bližini nekdanjih bivališč so mogočna stara drevesa, gorski bresti, veliki jeseni in smreke, na nekdanjih njivah nastaja orehov gozd. Grapa je naravna vrednota; predlagamo, naj bi bilo celotno njeno povodje. Keywords: rastlinstvo, živalstvo, drugotna sukcesija, gozdna krajina, Baška dolina, Slovenija Published in DiRROS: 19.05.2023; Views: 964; Downloads: 248
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7. Okolje in naravne danosti Baške grape : poročilo o delu v letu 1999Igor Smolej, Igor Dakskobler, Primož Simončič, Anton Kralj, Irena Tavčar, 1999, final research report Keywords: ekosistemi, ekologija, naravna dediščina, biotska raznovrstnost, Slovenija, Baška grapa Published in DiRROS: 03.11.2021; Views: 1308; Downloads: 461
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8. Pregled jelovih rastišč v SlovenijiIgor Dakskobler, Aleksander Marinšek, 2009, review article Abstract: Članek vsebuje pregled jelovih rastišč na ozemlju Slovenije. Našteli in kratko opisali smo deset jelovih (bukovo-jelovih, smrekovo-jelovih) združb. Nekatere uspevajo na svežih do vlažnih, nevtrofilnih ali acidofilnih rastiščih podgorskega in gorskega pasu (Galio-Abietetum, Bazzanio-Abietetum, Polysticho setiferi-Abietetum), druge na zelo skalnatih karbonatnih ali silikatnih rastiščih z inicialnimi tlemi (npr. Ribeso alpini-Piceetum, Neckero-Abietetum, Calamagrostio-Abietetum, Paraleucobryo-Abietetum). Jelka ima pomembno ekološko, biotopsko in gospodarsko vlogo v nekaterih bukovih (jelovo-bukovih) združbah (npr. Omphalodo-Fagetum, Homogyno sylvestris-Fagetum, Anemono-Fagetum). Uspeva v večini smrekovih združb, v macesnovju (Rhodothamno-Laricetum) in alpskem ruševju (Rhododendro hirsuti-Pinetum prostratae = Rhodothamno-Rhododendretum hirusti). Keywords: gozdne združbe, bela jelka, Abies alba, jelovi gozdovi, fitocenologija, sintaksonomija, Slovenija Published in DiRROS: 17.11.2020; Views: 2114; Downloads: 585
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