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Določanje dobrega okoljskega stanja. Poročilo za člen 9 Okvirne direktive o morski strategiji : zaključno poročilo 2012
Martina Orlando-Bonaca, Lovrenc Lipej, Alenka Malej, Janja Francé, Branko Čermelj, Oliver Bajt, Nives Kovač, Borut Mavrič, Valentina Turk, Patricija Mozetič, Andreja Ramšak, Tjaša Kogovšek, Milijan Šiško, Vesna Flander-Putrle, Mateja Grego, Tinkara Tinta, Boris Petelin, Martin Vodopivec, Maja Jeromel, Urška Martinčič, Vlado Malačič, končno poročilo o rezultatih raziskav

Povzetek: Deskriptor 1: Biotska raznovrstnost se ohranja. Kakovost in prisotnost habitatov ter razporeditev in številčnost vrst so v skladu s prevladujočimi fiziografskimi, geografskimi in podnebnimi pogoji. »Presojo je treba opraviti na več ekoloških ravneh: na ravni ekosistemov, habitatov (vključno z njimi povezanimi združbami na nivoju biotopov) in vrst, ki so upoštevane v strukturi tega dela ob upoštevanju točke 2 dela A. Za nekatere vidike tega deskriptorja je potrebna dodatna znanstvena in tehnična podpora. Pri obravnavi širšega obsega deskriptorja je treba ob upoštevanju Priloge III k Direktivi 2008/56/ES določiti prioritete med elementi biotske raznovrstnosti (vrste, habitati in ekosistemi). To omogoča prepoznavanje tistih elementov in območij, kjer vplivi in grožnje nastajajo, poleg tega pa podpira opredelitev ustreznih kazalcev med izbranimi merili, primernimi za zadevna območja in elemente biotske raznovrstnosti. Obveznost regionalnega sodelovanja iz členov 5 in 6 Direktive 2008/56/ES je neposredno povezana z izbiro elementov biotske raznovrstnosti znotraj regij, podregij in pododdelkov, kjer je mogoče, pa tudi z vzpostavitvijo referenčnih razmer v skladu s Prilogo IV k Direktivi 2008/56/ES. Modeliranje z uporabo platforme geografskega informacijskega sistema je lahko uporabna podlaga za določanje območja razširjenosti elementov biotske raznovrstnosti ter človekovih dejavnosti in pritiskov zaradi teh dejavnosti, ob upoštevanju, da se vse mogoče zajete napake ustrezno ocenijo in opišejo ob uporabi rezultatov. Ti podatki so pogoj za ekosistemsko upravljanje človekovih dejavnosti in za razvoj s tem povezanih prostorskih orodij.«
Ključne besede: morje, obalno morje, onesnaževanje morja, plankton, hranilne snovi, ekološki parametri, onesnažila, onesnaževalci, biocenoze, okvirna direktiva o morski strategiji, poročila, onesnaženost, kvaliteta okolja, morska strategija, deskriptorji
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 16.09.2024; Ogledov: 817; Prenosov: 652
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The lesser-known medusa Drymonema dalmatinum Haeckel 1880 (Scyphozoa, Discomedusae) in the Adriatic Sea
Alenka Malej, Martin Vodopivec, Davor Lučić, Ivona Onofri, Branka Pestorić, 2014, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Authors report historical and recent records of the little-known medusa Drymonema dalmatinum in the Adriatic Sea. This large scyphomedusa, which may develop a bell diameter of more than 1 m, was fi rst described in 1880 by Haeckel based on four specimens collected near the Dalmatian island Hvar. The paucity of this species records since its description confi rms its rarity, however, in the last 15 years sightings of D. dalmatinum have been more frequent.
Ključne besede: scyphomedusae, historical occurrence, recent observations, Adriatic Sea
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 02.08.2024; Ogledov: 350; Prenosov: 136
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The occurrence of the jellyfish Aequorea cf. forskalea in the Adriatic Sea : comparison of historical and recent data
Alenka Malej, Davor Lučić, Natalia Bojanić, Martin Vodopivec, Paolo Paliaga, Branka Pestorić, Ivana Violić, Nastjenjka Supić, 2022, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Jellyfish are becoming an increasingly important component of studies of the global marine environment, as their frequent mass phenomena affect ecosystem performance and have economic and health consequences. Recent research has focused primarily on mass occurrences of scyphozoans and ctenophores, while less attention has been paid to hydromedusae blooms, which can also have significant impacts on the marine ecosystem with economic consequences. Like many members of the Scyphozoa and Ctenophora, Aequorea species can be numerous and form blooms. Based on surveys from 2000 to 2020 and information provided by marine professionals, we examine the (multiannual) variability, seasonality, and spatial distribution patterns of the poorly studied temperate species Aequorea cf. forskalea (Hydrozoa: Leptothecata). We hypothesized that this macrogelatinous jellyfish with a bipartite life cycle (benthic polyps and planktonic medusae) is sensitive to seasonal and long-term temperature fluctuations, particularly because temperature has been shown to play a critical role in mediating transitions in the life cycle of cnidarians. The cold-water affinity of A. cf. forskalea was confirmed by a significant negative correlation with temperature and the most frequent occurrence during the winter-spring period. For the northern Adriatic (Gulf of Trieste), sea temperature data and semi-quantitative plankton data are available for the first decade of the 20th century, allowing comparison of the historical data (1900-1911) with our current data set. Compared to historical records, the current occurrence of A. cf. forskalea differs significantly. With the warming of the northern Adriatic Sea since the beginning of the 20th century, the current phenology of A. cf. forskalea has changed, probably related to the delayed production of medusae by hydroids in autumn, the absence of medusae in this season and their less frequent occurrence in winter.
Ključne besede: hydromedusae, blooms, long-term monitoring, multiannual variability, Mediterranean Sea
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 31.07.2024; Ogledov: 605; Prenosov: 194
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COVID-19 pandemic consequences on coastal water quality using WST Sentinel-3 Data : case of Tangier, Morocco
El Khalil Cherif, Martin Vodopivec, Nezha Mejjad, Joaquim C.G Esteves da Silva, Simona Simonovič, Hakim Boulaassal, 2020, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: The west coast of Tangier, in northern Morocco, has been affected by industrial wastewater discharge that reaches the ocean through the Boukhalef river. Therefore, the Jbila and Sidikacem beaches near to the Boukhalef river mouth have been classified as polluted for many years. With the aim of determining the COVID-19 pandemic consequences on the Tangier coastal environment, a linear model using Sentinel 3 water surface temperature (WST) has been tested in several locations. Data from April 2019 and April 2020, before and during the COVID-19 pandemic related emergency status in Morocco, were compared. The results from April 2019 showed high WST values and consequently, the poorest water quality in the sites closest to the Boukhalef river mouth. On the other hand, the results from April 2020 showed normal WST values and high water quality in the same study area. These results illustrate the usefulness of Sentinel 3 WST for the estimation of bathing water quality on the west coast of Tangier. The study shows the positive impact of the COVID-19 pandemic consequences on the coastal environment quality in the study area and indicates the importance of decreasing the industrial discharge on the west coast of Tangier. The same methodology could be used in decision-making processes and to reduce cost, time and human resources for coastal monitoring systems. We demonstrate the potential of using the Sentinel 3 data for coastal waters monitoring, as well as the need for stricter controls of pollutant discharges into the world’s rivers.
Ključne besede: COVID-19, Sentinel 3, WST, Tangier west coast, coastal waters, bathing waters, industrial activities
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 22.07.2024; Ogledov: 326; Prenosov: 222
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Integrated sea storm management strategy : the 29 October 2018 event in the Adriatic Sea
Christian Ferrarin, Andrea Valentini, Martin Vodopivec, Dijana Klaric, Giovanni Massaro, Marco Bajo, Francesca De Pascalis, Amedeo Fadini, Michol Ghezzo, Stefano Menegon, Lidia Bressan, Silvia Unguendoli, Anja Fettich, Jure Jerman, Matjaž Ličer, Lidija Fustar, Alvise Papa, Enrico Carraro, 2020, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Addressing coastal risks related to sea storms requires an integrative approach which combines monitoring stations, forecasting models, early warning systems, and coastal management and planning. Such great effort is sometimes possible only through transnational cooperation, which becomes thus vital to face, effectively and promptly, the marine events which are responsible for damage impacting the environment and citizens' life. Here we present a shared and interoperable system to allow a better exchange of and elaboration on information related to sea storms among countries. The proposed integrated web system (IWS) is a combination of a common data system for sharing ocean observations and forecasts, a multi-model ensemble system, a geoportal, and interactive geo-visualisation tools to make results available to the general public. The multi-model ensemble mean and spread for sea level height and wave characteristics are used to describe three different sea condition scenarios. The IWS is designed to provide sea state information required for issuing coastal risk alerts over the analysed region as well as for being easily integrated into existing local early warning systems. This study describes the application of the developed system to the exceptional storm event of 29 October 2018 that caused severe flooding and damage to coastal infrastructure in the Adriatic Sea. The forecasted ensemble products were successfully compared with in situ observations. The hazards estimated by integrating IWS results in existing early warning systems were confirmed by documented storm impacts along the coast of Slovenia, Emilia-Romagna and the city of Venice. For the investigated event, the most severe simulated scenario results provide a realistic and conservative estimation of the peak storm conditions to be used in coastal risk management.
Ključne besede: sea storms, integrated web system (IWS)
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 19.07.2024; Ogledov: 294; Prenosov: 210
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Comparison of in-situ chlorophyll-a time series and sentinel-3 ocean and land color instrument data in Slovenian national waters (Gulf of Trieste, Adriatic Sea)
El Khalil Cherif, Patricija Mozetič, Janja Francé, Vesna Flander-Putrle, Jana Faganeli Pucer, Martin Vodopivec, 2021, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: While satellite remote sensing of ocean color is a viable tool for estimating large-scale patterns of chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) and global ocean primary production, its application in coastal waters is limited by the complex optical properties. An exploratory study was conducted in the Gulf of Trieste (Adriatic Sea) to assess the usefulness of Sentinel-3 satellite data in the Slovenian national waters. OLCI (Ocean and Land Colour Instrument) Chl-a level 2 products (OC4Me and NN) were compared to monthly Chl-a in-situ measurements at fixed sites from 2017 to 2019. In addition, eight other methods for estimating Chl-a concentration based on reflectance in different spectral bands were tested (OC3M, OC4E, MedOC4, ADOC4, AD4, 3B-OLCI, 2B-OLCI and G2B). For some of these methods, calibration was performed on in-situ data to achieve a better agreement. Finally, L1-regularized regression and random forest were trained on the available dataset to test the capabilities of the machine learning approach. The results show rather poor performance of the two originally available products. The same is true for the other eight methods and the fits to the measured values also show only marginal improvement. The best results are obtained with the blue-green methods (OC3, OC4 and AD4), especially the AD4SI (a designated fit of AD4) with R = 0.56 and RMSE = 0.4 mg/m³, while the near infrared (NIR) methods show underwhelming performance. The machine learning approach can only explain 30% of the variability and the RMSE is of the same order as for the blue-green methods. We conclude that due to the low Chl-a concentration and the moderate turbidity of the seawater, the reflectance provided by the Sentinel-3 OLCI spectrometer carries little information about Chl-a in the Slovenian national waters within the Gulf of Trieste and is therefore of limited use for our purposes. This requires that we continue to improve satellite products for use in those marine waters that have not yet proven suitable. In this way, satellite data could be effectively integrated into a comprehensive network that would allow a reliable assessment of ecological status, taking into account environmental regulations.
Ključne besede: hydrobiology, coastal waters, Gulf of Trieste, chlorophyll-a, Sentinel-3, OLCI, machine learning
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 19.07.2024; Ogledov: 344; Prenosov: 679
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Scyphomedusae and Ctenophora of the Eastern Adriatic : historical overview and new data
Branka Pestorić, Davor Lučić, Natalia Bojanić, Martin Vodopivec, Tjaša Kogovšek, Ivana Violić, Paolo Paliaga, Alenka Malej, 2021, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: One of the obstacles to detecting regional trends in jellyfish populations is the lack of a defined baseline. In the Adriatic Sea, the jellyfish fauna (Scyphozoa and Ctenophora) is poorly studied compared to other taxa. Therefore, our goal was to collect and systematize all available data and provide a baseline for future studies. Here we present phenological data and relative abundances of jellyfish based on 2010–2019 scientific surveys and a “citizen science” sighting program along the eastern Adriatic. Inter-annual variability, seasonality and spatial distribution patterns of Scyphomedusae and Ctenophore species were described and compared with existing historical literature. Mass occurrences with a clear seasonal pattern and related to the geographical location were observed for meroplanktonic Scyphomedusae Aurelia solida, Rhizostoma pulmo, and to a lesser extent Chrysaora hysoscella, Cotylorhiza tuberculata and Discomedusa lobata. Holoplanktonic Pelagia noctiluca also formed large aggregations, which were seasonally less predictable and restricted to the central and southern Adriatic. Four species of Ctenophora produced blooms limited to a few areas: Bolinopsis vitrea, Leucothea multicornis, Cestum veneris and the non-native Mnemiopsis leidyi. However, differences between Adriatic subregions have become less pronounced since 2014. Our results suggest that gelatinous organisms are assuming an increasingly important role in the Adriatic ecosystem, which may alter the balance of the food web and lead to harmful and undesirable effects.
Ključne besede: jellyfish phenology, hydrobiology, long-term changes, Mediterranean Sea
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 19.07.2024; Ogledov: 310; Prenosov: 206
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The freshwater balance of the Adriatic Seastudy : a sensitivity study
Martin Vodopivec, Klodian Zaimi, Álvaro Judice Peliz, 2022, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: The Adriatic Sea is a narrow semi-enclosed basin with considerable freshwater inflow, connected to the saltier Mediterranean Sea through a narrow strait. The northern and central parts of the basin are characterized by a shallow shelf, while the southern part features a pit exceeding 1,200 m in depth. We conducted a series of modeling experiments over a 16-year period (2000–2015) using different runoff configurations and different sources of atmospheric forcing to investigate the sensitivity of the Adriatic Sea circulation and hydrology to freshwater balance and heat loss. Our results show that the shelf salinity and the salinity of the surface layers in the southern Adriatic are part of a self-amplifying loop involving dense water formation, water exchange with the Mediterranean Sea, and salty water intrusions to the shelf. Therefore, the characteristics of the basin and the water circulation are highly sensitive to the freshwater budget and heat losses. River discharge is subject to large interannual variations and is poorly known for many of the Adriatic freshwater sources. To improve the accuracy of the freshwater budget, we created a new climatology for three Albanian rivers and modulated the monthly climatological discharge in accordance with the rivers Po and Isonzo (Soča). Evaporation, precipitation, and heat losses vary strongly among the available atmospheric reanalyses and we show that the choice of atmospheric forcing has a substantial impact on the hydrology and circulation of the Adriatic Sea.
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 18.07.2024; Ogledov: 306; Prenosov: 246
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Observing and modeling long-term persistence of P. noctiluca in coupled complementary marine systems (Southern Tyrrhenian Sea and Messina Strait)
Andrea Bergamasco, Andrea Cucco, Letterio Guglielmo, R. Minutoli, G. Quattrocchi, R. Guglielmo, Franca Palumbo, Marco Pansera, Giacomo Zagami, Martin Vodopivec, Alenka Malej, A. Granata, 2022, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: In the Mediterranean Sea, the Strait of Messina (MS) is a very peculiar area, connecting highly different regions and representing a privileged observatory for an early comprehension and assessment of ecosystems shifts. It is hypothesized that the outbreaks observed near the coast of many sites in the Mediterranean Sea may be the result of transport of permanent populations of P. noctiluca in pelagic waters to the coast, caused by specific hydrodynamic conditions. By both visual observations and numerical experiments our objective is twofold: (A) to help clarify whether the basin of the Aeolian Islands Archipelago (AIA), in the Southern Tyrrhenian Sea (STS), may be the site from which large populations of P. noctiluca are transported to the MS, and (B) to evaluate whether the upwelling turbulent system of the MS can be an energetic opportunity for this species. It should offer a rich habitat without jeopardizing the overall survival of the population, that is subject to stranding due to strong currents. Although very different, the two involved ecosystems (AIA and MS ) are complementary for the success of Pelagia noctiluca life cycle. Outputs obtained by coupling the 3D hydrodynamic model (SHYFEM) with a Lagrangian particle tracking model support the hypothesis of a connectivity between these two ecosystems, particularly in the first half of the year, indicating the coastal areas around the AIA as potential optimal source location for Pelagia larval stages. We support the very attractive hypothesis that two connected systems exist, the former one favours Pelagia's reproduction and acts as a nursery and the latter favours its growth due to higher productivity. We speculate that the reproductive population of the AIA is not permanent, but is renewed every year by individuals who have fed and quickly grown in the MS and who are passively transported by downwelling along canyon "corridors".
Ključne besede: coastal systems, coastal water, Tyrrhenian Sea
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 17.07.2024; Ogledov: 310; Prenosov: 232
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