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Relevance of cold-rolling technology for the texture and anisotropy of EN AW-8011A aluminum alloys
Jakob Kraner, Kyung Il Kim, Bonghwan Kim, Shae K. Kim, Irena Paulin, 2023, izvirni znanstveni članek

Ključne besede: aluminium alloys, cold rolling, SEM-EBSD, textures, anisotropy
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 08.03.2024; Ogledov: 424; Prenosov: 225
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Groundwater Characterization by Means of Conservative (δ18O and δ2H) and Non-Conservative (87Sr/86Sr) Isotopic Values: The Classical Karst Region Aquifer Case (Italy–Slovenia)
Chiara Calligaris, Kim Mezga, Francesca Federica Slejko, Janko Urbanc, Luca Zini, 2018, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: The study of the different hydrogeological compartments is a prerequisite for understanding and monitoring different fluxes, thereby evaluating the environmental changes in an ecosystem where anthropogenic disturbances are present in order to preserve the most vulnerable groundwaters from contamination and degradation. In many karst domains in the Mediterranean, areas groundwaters and surface waters are a single system, as a result of the features that facilitate the ingression of waters from surface to subsurface. This is also the case for the Classical Karst hydrostructure, which is a carbonate plateau that rises above the northern Adriatic Sea, shared between Italy and Slovenia. The main suppliers to the aquifer are the effective precipitations and the waters from three different rivers: Reka/Timavo, Soča/Isonzo and Vipava/Vipacco. Past and ongoing hydrogeological studies on the area have focused on the connections within the Classical Karst Region aquifer system through the analysis of water caves and springs hydrographs and chemographs. In this paper, the authors present new combined data from major ions, oxygen, hydrogen and strontium stable and radiogenic isotopes which have allowed a more complementary knowledge of the groundwater circulation, provenance and water-rock interactions. All the actions occurred in the framework of the European project HYDROKARST.
Ključne besede: podzemna voda, kras, geokemija, izotopi, Hydrokarst projekt
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 12.12.2023; Ogledov: 533; Prenosov: 296
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The importance of educating younger generations about raw materials and their uses in our daily life
Kim Mezga, Petra Vrhovnik, Janja Žmavc, Lidia Gullon, 2021, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Raw materials are of great importance for humankind as they enable the development of technology, drive industry and economy, and overall the lifestyle we know today. The paper is addressing the topic of interactive learning about the mineral raw materials, i.e. metals and non-metals. Due to population growth and consequently in-creased global demand for raw materials, there is a need to educate younger generations about the raw materials and their properties and origin, so they would know from an early age where the mineral products they use come from and how purchase decisions affect the social environments of people who live in countries with resources exploitation.Todayʼs trends in mining are oriented towards more sustainable exploitation and management, taking into account the economic, social and environmental aspects. An example of such is exploitation of secondary raw materials from tail-ings and heaps. But in some countries, mining is stuck in the past, using obsolete technologies causing increased pol-lution and strongly present linear economy approaches of take-use-dispose attitudes or even unethical approaches, such as children being exploited as a cheap workforce, people being abducted, tortured and even killed over minerals (min-erals being exploited in such way are called blood or conflict minerals). Further, due to the potential negative impacts on health and safety, due to the emissions in air, water and surface disturbance, the public perception of mining is still perceived as negative in most cases. School curriculums most often lack description of current situations in the global mining. Therefore, within the EIT RawMaterials BRIEFCASE and 3D BRIEFCASE projects the project partners provide the comprehensive view of the issues of todayʼs mining and use of raw materials. The paper presents the description of both projects and the non-conventional teaching methods - the hands-on and digital tools for pupils and teachers, i.e. the briefcases, the "Briefcase of mineral applications" game, workshops and the supporting materials. The main objective of projects is to raise the pupils awareness about the utility and indispensability of minerals and mining and the consequences of their uses and production systems, which would increasein the long term the awareness about the social and environmental consequences of raw material production.
Ključne besede: raw materials, mining, pupils and students, non-conventional teaching tools, BRIEFCASE, 3D BRIEFCASE, curricular planning, EIT RawMaterials
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 04.12.2023; Ogledov: 527; Prenosov: 244
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Explore the briefcase - learning about raw materials through non-conventional teaching tools
Kim Mezga, Petra Vrhovnik, Dragana Šolaja, Lidia Gullon, Alenka Mauko Pranjić, Ainara Garcia Uriarte, 2019, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: We live in a material world where the markets are flooded with all kinds of products. At the same time, we are facing a population growth, as well as a product demand growth. But, are we aware of the raw materials needed for our favourite daily products? In which part of the world are they extracted? Do we recognize the value chains from the mine to the product? And, where do these products end up after we use them? Many school curriculums include this topic only briefly, thus there is a need to raise awareness among youngsters about mining and raw materials in general. EIT RawMaterials funded by the European Commission, is the largest community dealing with raw materials in Europe. One of its main objectives is to raise awareness among general public about the raw materials and their indispensability, about the consequences of their uses, about the mining and production systems as well as about the utilization and recycling. Innovative and attractive pathways are employed in the process. One of the projects bringing raw materials and mining closer to pupils is the BRIEFCASE project. Using non - conventional teaching methods, tools and guided workshops, the project provides pupils with a unique hands - on experience. It draws their attention to raw materials and their applications and helps pupils recognize minerals in products we use every day. Besides emphasizing the importance of minerals in our everyday life and addressing sensible issues like conflict minerals, the consequences of our purchase decisions, the sustainability of mining operations and their environmental implications are also presented.
Ključne besede: Project BRIEFCASE, minerals, raising awareness, non-conventional teaching tools, EIT RawMaterials, award
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 21.11.2023; Ogledov: 1087; Prenosov: 264
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Subspecies-specific sequence detection for differentiation of Mycobacterium abscessus complex
Alina Minias, Lidia Żukowska, Jakub Lach, Tomasz Jagielski, Dominik Strapagiel, Su-Young Kim, Won-Jung Koh, Heather Adam, Ruth Bittner, Sara Truden, Marija Žolnir-Dovč, Jarosław Dziadek, 2020, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Mycobacterium abscessus complex (MABC) is a taxonomic group of rapidly growing, nontuberculous mycobacteria that are found as etiologic agents of various types of infections. They are considered as emerging human pathogens. MABC consists of 3 subspecies - M. abscessus subsp. bolletti, M. abscessus subsp. massiliense and M. abscessus subsp. abscessus. Here we present a novel method for subspecies differentiation of M. abscessus named Subspecies-Specific Sequence Detection (SSSD). This method is based on the presence of signature sequences present within the genomes of each subspecies of MABC. We tested this method against a virtual database of 1505 genome sequences of MABC. Further, we detected signature sequences of MABC in 45 microbiological samples through DNA hybridization. SSSD showed high levels of sensitivity and specificity for differentiation of subspecies of MABC, comparable to those obtained by rpoB sequence typing.
Ključne besede: Mycobacterium abscessus complex, nontuberculous mycobacteria, diagnosis
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 23.11.2020; Ogledov: 12360; Prenosov: 1251
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Heritable risk for severe anaphylaxis associated with increased [alpha]-tryptase-encoding germline copy number at TPSAB1
Jonathan J. Lyons, Jack Chovanec, Michael P. O'Connell, Yihui Liu, Julij Šelb, Roberta Zanotti, Yun Bai, Jiwon Kim, Quang T. Le, Tom DiMaggio, Matija Rijavec, Peter Korošec, 2020, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Background: An elevated basal serum tryptase level is associated with severe systemic anaphylaxis, most notably caused by Hymenoptera envenomation. Although clonal mast cell disease is the culprit in some individuals, it does not fully explain this clinical association. Objective: Our aim was to determine the prevalence and associated impact of tryptase genotypes on anaphylaxis in humans. Methods: Cohorts with systemic mastocytosis (SM) and venom as well as idiopathic anaphylaxis from referral centers in Italy, Slovenia, and the United States, underwent tryptase genotyping by droplet digital PCR. Associated anaphylaxis severity (Mueller scale) was subsequently examined. Healthy volunteers and controls with nonatopic disease were recruited and tryptase was genotyped by droplet digital PCR and in silico analysis of genome sequence, respectively. The effects of pooled and recombinant human tryptases, protease activated receptor 2 agonist and antagonist peptides, and a tryptase-neutralizing mAb on human umbilical vein endothelial cell permeability were assayed using a Transwell system. Results: Hereditary [alpha]-tryptasemia (H[alpha]T)--a genetic trait caused by increased [alpha]-tryptase-encoding Tryptase-[alpha]/[beta]1 (TPSAB1) copy number resulting in elevated BST level--was common in healthy individuals (5.6% [n = 7 of 125]) and controls with nonatopic disease (5.3% [n = 21 of 398]). H[alpha]T was associated with grade IV venom anaphylaxis (relative risk = 2.0; P < .05) and more prevalent in both idiopathic anaphylaxis (n = 8 of 47; [17%; P = .006]) and SM (n = 10 of 82 [12.2%; P = .03]) relative to the controls. Among patients with SM, concomitant H[alpha]T was associated with increased risk for systemic anaphylaxis (relative risk = 9.5; P = .007). In vitro, protease-activated receptor-2-dependent vascular permeability was induced by pooled mature tryptases but not [alpha]- or [beta]-tryptase homotetramers. Conclusions: Risk for severe anaphylaxis in humans is associated with inherited differences in [alpha]-tryptase-encoding copies at TPSAB1.
Ključne besede: mastocytosis, venoms, hypersensitivity, anaphylaxis - diagnosis, mast cells, idiopathic anaphylaxis, mast cell activation, hereditary alpha-tryptasemia
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 11.09.2020; Ogledov: 2358; Prenosov: 451
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Towards ergonomic control of human-robot co-manipulation and handover
Luka Peternel, Wansoo Kim, Jan Babič, Arash Ajoudani, 2017, objavljeni znanstveni prispevek na konferenci

Objavljeno v DiRROS: 19.03.2018; Ogledov: 3105; Prenosov: 1378
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