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Presejanje za raka materničnega vratu v Sloveniji in državni program ZORA
Maja Primic-Žakelj, Vesna Zadnik, Ana Pogačnik, Marjetka Uršič-Vrščaj, 2006, professional article

Published in DiRROS: 05.12.2023; Views: 252; Downloads: 71
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Uporaba sistemov za tehtanje vozil med vožnjo za določitev realne konstrukcijske varnosti mostov
Aleš Žnidarič, Maja Kreslin, Jan Kalin, Andrej Anžlin, 2019, original scientific article

Abstract: Optimalno upravljanje mostov, ki vključuje stroške vzdrževanja, potencialna tveganja in vzdrževanje funkcionalnosti, zahteva natančne informacije o stanju konstrukcij. Eden od ključnih kazalnikov obnašanja je konstrukcijska varnost mostu, ki zahteva poglobljeno poznavanje prometnih obremenitev in njegove odpornosti proti obremenitvam. Vrednotenje varnosti je predvsem ključno za stare mostove, ki so poškodovani in se bližajo koncu življenjskega cikla. Varnost takšnih mostov z uporabo tradicionalnih računskih metod pogosto težko dokažemo. Da bi se izognili nepotrebnim ukrepom, kot je ojačitev ali celo zamenjava mostu, je priporočljivo narediti celovito analizo, ki vključuje preiskave materialov in meritve obnašanja mostu pod prometno obtežbo. Prispevek predstavlja tehnologijo tehtanja vozil med vožnjo v prostem prometnem toku na mostovih (angl. bridge weigh-in-motion oz. B-WIM), ki lahko učinkovito izmeri parametre obnašanja mostu, ki so ključni za določitev njihove realne varnosti: osne obremenitve in medosne razdalje vozil ter vplivnice, faktorje porazdelitve obtežbe in dinamični odziv konstrukcije. Poznavanje pravih vrednosti teh parametrov zmanjšuje negotovosti, povezane z obremenitvami in odzivom konstrukcije. Poleg tega lahko zaradi večje zanesljivosti izmerjenih parametrov v analizah zmanjšamo varnostne faktorje. To omogoča bolj optimalno vzdrževanje in uporabo infrastrukture ter racionalnejšo uporabo razpoložljivih finančnih sredstev.
Keywords: upravljanje mostov, konstrukcijska varnost, odziv na prometno obtežbo, tehtanja vozil med vožnjo, prosti prometni tok na mostovih
Published in DiRROS: 04.12.2023; Views: 403; Downloads: 176
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Reološko ovrednotenje alternativnega pomlajevalca, pridobljenega iz odpadnih snovi
Lidija Ržek, 2019, original scientific article

Abstract: Zaradi sodobnega načina življenja je nastanek odpadkov neizogiben. Vse večja okoljska ozaveščenost, predvsem pa tržna naravnanost in ekonomičnost nas spodbujajo, da odpadke obravnavamo kot vir za nadaljnjo oz. ponovno uporabo. V raziskavi smo izdelali alternativni pomlajevalec iz odpadnih gum in pokazali, da lahko povrne prvotne lastnosti laboratorijsko postaranemu bitumnu. S postopkom pirolize smo izdelali več različnih produktov tako, da smo spreminjali čas trajanja in temperaturo pirolize. Med novo razvitimi produkti smo izbrali najprimernejšega za namen alternativnega pomlajevalca in preverjali njegov vpliv v različnih koncentracijah (3 %, 5 %, 10 % in 20 % glede na maso bitumna) na lastnosti svežega in laboratorijsko staranega bitumna. S pomočjo standardnih mehanskih raziskav, reoloških raziskav in reološkega modeliranja smo dokazali, da alternativni pomlajevalec izboljša lastnosti staranega bitumna.
Keywords: pomlajevalec, piroliza, asfaltni granulat, reologija, visokoelastične lastnosti
Published in DiRROS: 04.12.2023; Views: 375; Downloads: 126
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Mining waste in circular economy - legislative aspect
Senko Pličanič, Ana Mladenovič, Alenka Mauko Pranjić, Petra Vrhovnik, 2020, original scientific article

Abstract: One of the common European commitments is a transition towards a green circular economy in which waste is not discarded and considered to be just an environmental problem, but should be recognized as an important potential source of raw materials for industry. In a priority order in waste management activities, introduced by the Waste Directive in 2012, recycling is set just behind the waste prevention and reuse. Many types of waste can be recycled, the most perspective being construction, industrial and mining wastes. The latter are produced and disposed of at mine sites during the excavation and processing of ore and are extremely perspective due to large quantities and remaining of different metals, however still underutilized, with low recycling rate. Many mining wastes are inert and do not releases contaminants into environment, however, some of them are problematic and even require monitoring. Reprocessing of these wastes, which include beneficiation and sequential extraction of valuable metals in the first phase and recycling of residues in both structural and civil engineering in the second phase establishes a zero waste model with several benefits for economy, environment and society. Out of the South-East European countries, North Macedonia has great potential to establish this model. As a consequence of long mining tradition and abundant ore resources, there are many mining and metallurgical tailings, on the other hand vivid economy and numerous sinks for use of recycled materials in construction sector can accommodate these quantities. However, there are open questions in terms of administrative procedures and legislation. What are those obstacles that accompany the smooth establishment of the proposed model from a legislative point of view? This paper deals with the situation in North Macedonia, in terms of opportunities, legislative options and the need to adopt new legislation, taking also into account the current problems in this field in Europe.
Keywords: circular economy, zero-waste approach, mining waste, construction sector, legislation, krožno gospodarstvo, pristop ničelnega odpadka, rudarski odpadki, gradbeništvo, zakonodaja
Published in DiRROS: 04.12.2023; Views: 320; Downloads: 168
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Preiskave lesenih okvirnih stenskih panelov s cementno-ivernimi obložnimi ploščami
Meta Kržan, Tomaž Pazlar, Ivan Grašič, Boštjan Ber, 2020, original scientific article

Abstract: V članku so predstavljeni rezultati eksperimentalnih preiskav študije obnašanja lesenih okvirnih stenskih panelov s cementno-ivernimi obložnimi ploščami pri horizontalnih obremenitvah. Posebnost predstavljene preiskave je uporaba cementno-ivernih plošč pri proizvodnji okvirnih stenskih panelov, saj njihovo obnašanje še ni dobro raziskano. Preiskave so bile izvedene v dveh fazah. Ker je za strižno obnašanje panela bistveno pritrjevanje obložnih plošč na leseni okvir, so se na manjših vzorcih najprej določile nosilnosti zvez s kovinskimi paličastimi sponkami ter analiziral vpliv debelin plošč in razmika med sponkami. Nadalje so bile zasnovane in izvedene monotone in ciklične strižne preiskave različnih izvedb stenskih panelov. Preskušani so bili trije osnovni tipi panelov, med drugim tudi panel z različnima debelinama obložnih plošč. Rezultati preiskave kažejo ugoden duktilen odziv sten pri strižnih obremenitvah ter potrjujejo, da nosilnost sten zaradi različnih debelin obložnih plošč ni dodatno zmanjšana, kot to pri izračunu nosilnosti predvideva SIST EN 1995-1-1. Ključne besede: leseni okvirni stenski paneli, cementno-iverna plošča, strižni preskus, nosilnost sponke v eni strižni ravnini.
Keywords: leseni okvirni stenski paneli, cementno-iverna plošča, ciklični strižni preskus, nosilnost sponke v eni strižni ravnini
Published in DiRROS: 04.12.2023; Views: 397; Downloads: 146
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Karakterizacija s polimeri modificiranih bitumnov z reološkimi preiskavami
Mojca Ravnikar Turk, Lidija Ržek, Marjan Tušar, 2021, original scientific article

Abstract: Cestne povezave morajo biti odporne proti podnebnim in prometnim obremenitvam, intervali vzdrževanja asfaltnih vozišč pa čim daljši. Zato naftna industrija razvija vedno bolj odporne bitumne za cestogradnjo, hkrati pa se uveljavljajo nove preiskave, s katerimi lahko obnašanje bitumnom celovito ovrednotimo. Za karakterizacijo s polimeri modificiranih bitumnov (PmB) osnovne preiskave trdote in zmehčišča, ki se že dolga leta uporabljajo, ne zadoščajo. Zato se določajo tudi reološke karakteristike. Za karakterizacijo se uporablja dinamični strižni reometer, s katerim v kontroliranih pogojih napetosti in deformacij na majhnih vzorcih bitumna določamo viskoelastične in plastične lastnosti vzorcev bitumna. V prispevku so prikazani rezultati osnovnih in reoloških preiskav s polimeri modificiranih bitumnov različnih trdnostnih razredov, ki se uporabljajo v slovenskem prostoru.
Keywords: s polimeri modificiran bitumen, reologija, DSR, MSCRT
Published in DiRROS: 04.12.2023; Views: 328; Downloads: 143
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Detoxified spent pot lining from aluminum production as (alumino-)silicate source for composite cement and autoclaved aerated concrete
Arne Peys, Mateja Košir, Ruben Snellings, Ana Mladenovič, Liesbeth Horckmans, 2021, original scientific article

Abstract: New sources of supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs) are needed to meet the future demand. A potential new source of SCM is spent pot lining, a residue from aluminum production. The present work showed that the refined aluminosilicate part of spent pot lining (SPL) has a moderate chemical reactivity in a cementitious system measured in the R3 calorimetry test, comparable to commercially used coal fly ash. The reaction of SPL led to the consumption of Ca(OH)2 in a cement paste beyond 7 days after mixing. At 28 and 90 days a significant contribution to strength development was therefore observed, reaching a relative strength, which is similar to composite cements with coal fly ash. At early age a retardation of the cement hydration is caused by the SPL, which should most likely be associated with the presence of trace amounts of NH3. The spent pot lining is also investigated as silica source for autoclaved aerated concrete blocks. The replacement of quartz by spent pot lining did not show an adverse effect on the strength-density relation of the lightweight blocks up to 50 wt% quartz substitution. Overall, spent pot lining can be used in small replacement volumes (30 wt%) as SCM or as replacement of quartz (50 wt%) in autoclaved aerated concrete blocks.
Keywords: spent pot lining, construction materials, recycling, autoclaved aerated conctrte, supplementary cementitious material
Published in DiRROS: 04.12.2023; Views: 316; Downloads: 114
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The importance of educating younger generations about raw materials and their uses in our daily life
Kim Mezga, Petra Vrhovnik, Janja Žmavc, Lidia Gullon, 2021, original scientific article

Abstract: Raw materials are of great importance for humankind as they enable the development of technology, drive industry and economy, and overall the lifestyle we know today. The paper is addressing the topic of interactive learning about the mineral raw materials, i.e. metals and non-metals. Due to population growth and consequently in-creased global demand for raw materials, there is a need to educate younger generations about the raw materials and their properties and origin, so they would know from an early age where the mineral products they use come from and how purchase decisions affect the social environments of people who live in countries with resources exploitation.Todayʼs trends in mining are oriented towards more sustainable exploitation and management, taking into account the economic, social and environmental aspects. An example of such is exploitation of secondary raw materials from tail-ings and heaps. But in some countries, mining is stuck in the past, using obsolete technologies causing increased pol-lution and strongly present linear economy approaches of take-use-dispose attitudes or even unethical approaches, such as children being exploited as a cheap workforce, people being abducted, tortured and even killed over minerals (min-erals being exploited in such way are called blood or conflict minerals). Further, due to the potential negative impacts on health and safety, due to the emissions in air, water and surface disturbance, the public perception of mining is still perceived as negative in most cases. School curriculums most often lack description of current situations in the global mining. Therefore, within the EIT RawMaterials BRIEFCASE and 3D BRIEFCASE projects the project partners provide the comprehensive view of the issues of todayʼs mining and use of raw materials. The paper presents the description of both projects and the non-conventional teaching methods - the hands-on and digital tools for pupils and teachers, i.e. the briefcases, the "Briefcase of mineral applications" game, workshops and the supporting materials. The main objective of projects is to raise the pupils awareness about the utility and indispensability of minerals and mining and the consequences of their uses and production systems, which would increasein the long term the awareness about the social and environmental consequences of raw material production.
Keywords: raw materials, mining, pupils and students, non-conventional teaching tools, BRIEFCASE, 3D BRIEFCASE, curricular planning, EIT RawMaterials
Published in DiRROS: 04.12.2023; Views: 362; Downloads: 164
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