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Query: "author" (Bešić Nikola) .

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Neoadjuvant chemotherapy in 13 patients with locally advanced poorly differentiated thyroid carcinoma based on Turin proposal : a single institution experience
Nikola Bešić, Marta Dremelj, Andreja A. Schwarzbartl-Pevec, Barbara Gazić, 2015, original scientific article

Abstract: There is a paradigm that chemotherapy is ineffective in thyroid carcinoma. The aim of our study was to find out whether neoadjuvant chemotherapy before thyroid surgery had an effect on the size of primary tumour in patients with poorly differentiated thyroid carcinoma (PDTC) based on Turin proposal. Patients and methods. Altogether, 13 patients (8 women, 5 men; median age 61 years) with PDTC based on Turin proposal were treated with neoadjuvant chemotherapy between 1986 and 2005. Tumour diameter was from 4.5 to 18 cm (median 9 cm). Regional and distant metastases were detected in 6 and 9 patients, respectively. Eight patients had pT4 tumour. Results. Altogether, 29 (range 1%5) cycles of chemotherapy were given. Tumour diameter decreased in all the patients and by more than 30% in 5 patients (= 38%). Two of these five patients had also preoperative external beam irradiation (EBRT). Total thyroidectomy, lobectomy and neck dissection were performed in 10, 3 and 5 cases, respectively. R0 and R1 resection was done in 5 and 8 cases, respectively. Eight patients had postoperative EBRT of the neck and upper mediastinum. The 5-year and 10-year cause-specific survival rates of patients were 66% and 20%, respectively. Conclusions. After neoadjuvant chemotherapy a partial tumour regression was observed in 38% of patients with PDTC based on Turin proposal.
Keywords: poorly differentiated thyroid carcinoma, neoadjuvant, chemotherapy, survival
Published in DiRROS: 22.04.2024; Views: 23; Downloads: 5
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Comparison of continuous local anaesthetic and systemic pain treatment after axillary lymphadenectomy in breast carcinoma patients - a prospective randomized study
Branka Stražišar, Nikola Bešić, 2013, original scientific article

Abstract: Background. Acute pain after axillary lymphadenectomy is often related mainly to axillary surgery. The aim of the prospective randomized study was to find out if continuous wound infusion of local anaesthetic reduces postoperative pain, consumption of opioids and the incidence of chronic pain compared to the standard intravenous piritramide analgesia after axillary lymphadenectomy in breast carcinoma patients. Methods. Altogether 60 patients were enrolled in the prospective randomized study; half in wound infusion of local anaesthetic and half in the standard (piritramide) group. Results. In the recovery room and on the first day after surgical procedure, the wound infusion of local anaesthetic group reported less acute and chronic pain, a lower consumption of piritramide and metoclopramide, but their alertness after the surgical procedure was higher compared to the standard group. Conclusions. After axillary lymphadenectomy in breast carcinoma patients, wound infusion of local anaesthetic reduces acute pain and enables reduced opioid consumption, resulting in less postoperative sedation and a reduced need for antiemetic drugs. After wound infusion of local anaesthetic there is a statistical trend for reduction of chronic pain.
Keywords: breast carcinoma, pain treatment, acute pain
Published in DiRROS: 22.03.2024; Views: 86; Downloads: 35
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Effectiveness of L-thyroxine treatment on TSH suppression during pregnancy in patients with a history of thyroid carcinoma after total thyroidectomy and radioiodine ablation
Blaž Krhin, Nikola Bešić, 2012, original scientific article

Abstract: Introduction. There are scarce data about the optimal increase of L-thyroxine dose during pregnancy in patients with a history of thyroid carcinoma. The first aim of the study was to find out if routine therapeutic measures enable adequate TSH suppression in pregnancy. The other aim was to find out the optimal dose of L-thyroxine for TSH suppression in pregnant women. Patients and methods. In this retrospective observational study, we analysed 36 pregnancies of 32 women with a history of thyroid carcinoma. Before pregnancy, all of them underwent total thyroidectomy and radioiodine ablation of thyroid remnant, and they were on suppressive doses of L-thyroxine. Thyroid function tests were obtained before, during and after pregnancy. Results. Mean L-thyroxine dose before pregnancy, in the first, second and, third trimester and after delivery was 149, 147, 155, 165 and 158 micrograms daily, respectively. TSH concentration remained suppressed in 9 pregnancies, it was within normal range in 22 and elevated in 5 pregnancies. The mean dose of L-thyroxine in patients with suppressed TSH before pregnancy, in the first, second and, third trimester and after delivery was 154, 154, 164, 160 and 161 micrograms daily, respectively. When the dose had to be changed, the mean increase of the dose was 31.5 micrograms daily. Conclusions. The range of changes in TSH concentration during pregnancy in the patients who have been on suppressive L-thyroxine therapy before conception is quite wide. TSH was adequately suppressed in only 25% of pregnancies. The dose of L-thyroxine in patients with suppressed TSH in the first, second and third trimester was 154, 164 and 160 micrograms daily, respectively.
Published in DiRROS: 21.03.2024; Views: 69; Downloads: 24
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Influence of magnesium sulphate infusion before total thyroidectomy on transient hypocalcemia - a randomised study
Nikola Bešić, Špela Žagar, Gašper Pilko, Barbara Perić, Marko Hočevar, 2008, original scientific article

Abstract: Background. Transient hypocalcemia is the most common complication after thyroidectomy. Normomagnesemia is needed for normal secretion of PTH and end-organ responsiveness. Our aim was to determine the influence of infusion of magnesium sulphate before thyroidectomy on the incidence of laboratory and clinical transient hypocalcemia. Methods. In our prospective study, 48 patients (5 men, 43 women; age 22-73 years, median 45 years), who underwent total or near-total thyroidectomy, were randomised preoperatively. Half of them received intravenously 4 ml of 1M magnesium sulphate at the beginning of the surgical procedure, the other half were the control group. Serum concentrations of calcium, ionised calcium, magnesium, phosphate, albumin and PTH were measured prior to surgery and on the first day after surgery. Results. Laboratory postoperative hypocalcemia was present in 27% of patients and 23% of patients had clinical signs and/or symptoms of postoperative hypocalcemia. The concentration of total calcium (p=0.024) and of albumin (p=0.01) was lower in the group that received magnesium sulphate. Conclusions.The patients who received infusion of magnesium sulphate before total thyroidectomy had lower concentration of total serum calcium and albuminin comparison to the control group. There was no statistical differencein the incidence of clinical transient hypocalcemia.
Published in DiRROS: 08.03.2024; Views: 89; Downloads: 25
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Sentinel lymph node biopsy in patients with malignant melanoma
Marko Hočevar, Nikola Bešić, Marko Snoj, Tadeja Movrin, 2000, published scientific conference contribution abstract

Published in DiRROS: 25.01.2024; Views: 127; Downloads: 32
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Rehabilitacija bolnic z rakom dojk
Nikola Bešić, 2023, published professional conference contribution

Keywords: rak dojk, rehabilitacija, celostno zdravljenje
Published in DiRROS: 08.01.2024; Views: 134; Downloads: 36
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Celostna rehabilitacija bolnic z rakom dojk
Nikola Bešić, Mateja Kurir-Borovčić, 2022, published professional conference contribution

Abstract: V sodobni onkologiji ni več pomembno zgolj preživetje bolnikov, pač pa tudi kakovost njihovega življenja, ki jo lahko bistveno izboljšamo prav z izvajanjem celostne onkološke rehabilitacije. Celostna onkološka rehabilitacija predstavlja aktivne postopke, s katerimi bolniku omogočimo najboljše telesno, duševno in socialno delovanje od tedaj, ko je postavljena diagnoza raka. Celostna rehabilitacija vključuje medicinsko, psihološko, socialno in poklicno rehabilitacijo. Rezultati so boljši, če so aktivnosti, ki jih izvajamo z namenom rehabilitacije, časovno usklajene. V prispevku so ob pregledu literature navedeni ukrepi, ki jih svetujemo bolnicam z rakom dojk glede na težave, ki jih pestijo. V sklopu Pilotne raziskave o individualizirani celostni rehabilitaciji bolnic z rakom dojk 2019 do 2022, ki smo jo poimenovali raziskava OREH (O-onkološka,REH-rehabilitacija), smo pripravili priporočila in klinično pot za celostno onkološko rehabilitacijo. V raziskavi OREH je sodelovalo 300 bolnic v kontrolni skupini in 300 bolnic v interventni skupini, pri kateri smo izvajali celostno onkološko rehabilitacijo. Multidisciplinarni konzilij strokovnjakov je obravnaval dokumentacijo vseh bolnic iz interventne skupine na konziliju OREH in svetoval ukrepe. Osrednjo vlogo pri obravnavi bolnic je imela koordinatorka za celostno rehabilitacijo, ki je bolnici individualno svetovala glede na njene težave in sodelovala pri napotitvah za obravnavo težav. Primerjava težav bolnic iz interventne in kontrolne skupine pol leta po pričetku zdravljenja je pokazala, da celostna rehabilitacija bistveno zmanjša težave bolnic. Soočeni pa smo s pomanjkanjem osebja, ki izvaja rehabilitacijo, še posebej na področju psihološke, socialne in poklicne rehabilitacije. V bodočnosti bo treba te kapacitete povečati, saj bi morali v celostno rehabilitacijo vključiti vse bolnice z rakom dojk v Sloveniji in jim omogočiti boljšo kakovost življenja.
Keywords: celostna rehabilitacija, rak dojke, bolniki
Published in DiRROS: 22.12.2022; Views: 426; Downloads: 106
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Celostna rehabilitacija onkoloških bolnikov
Lorna Zadravec-Zaletel, Mateja Kurir-Borovčić, Nikola Bešić, 2022, professional article

Abstract: V okviru Državnega programa obvladovanja raka (DPOR) smo z aktivnostmi za vzpostavitev celostne rehabilitacije onkoloških bolnikov pričeli leta 2017. Celostna rehabilitacija zajema medicinsko, psihološko, socialno in poklicno rehabilitacijo ter je prilagojena posameznemu bolniku. Omogoča zgodnje prepoznavanje somatskih in psihičnih posledic malignega obolenja in njegovega zdravljenja ter njihovo čim prejšnje odpravljanje. Njena dobrobit je boljša kakovost življenja bolnikov od postavitve diagnoze dalje ter hitrejša vrnitev na delovno mesto. Raziskava celostne rehabilitacije bolnic z rakom dojk OREH se na Onkološkem inštitutu (OI) Ljubljana izvaja od leta 2019 in je namenjena razvoju ter testiranju novega sistema celostne rehabilitacije za onkološke bolnike v Sloveniji. Osrednja oseba v celostni rehabilitaciji je koordinatorka celostne rehabilitacije (diplomirana medicinska sestra) za onkološke bolnike, ki z vprašalniki preverja, s katerimi težavami se bolnica sooča, in je bolnici v oporo med težkimi preizkušnjami na poti zdravljenja. Prek multidisciplinarnega konzilija OREH je bolnica v odvisnosti od izraženosti težav in v skladu s smernicami ter klinično potjo celostne rehabilitacije napotena na različne storitve celostne rehabilitacije v okviru mreže izvajalcev. Preliminarne analize rezultatov kažejo dobrobit celostne rehabilitacije na določenih področjih. V okviru celostne rehabilitacije vzpostavljamo tudi klinični register poznih posledic zdravljenja raka v otroštvu, v mesecu oktobru pa bomo začeli na OI Ljubljana izvajati Pilotno raziskavo celostne rehabilitacije bolnikov z rakom debelega črevesja in danke 2022– 2024. Naš namen je namreč razširiti celostno rehabilitacijo na širši krog onkoloških bolnikov, kar je zapisano tudi v zavezujočem dokumentu DPOR 2022–2026. V prihodnosti bomo razširili in izboljšali sodelovanje s sodelujočimi institucijami, zagotovili financiranje dejavnosti celostne rehabilitacije in si prizadevali spremeniti zakonodajo zgodnje poklicne rehabilitacije. Oviro za hitrejšo implementacijo celostne rehabilitacije predstavlja predvsem pomanjkanje ustreznih strokovnjakov in prostorov.
Keywords: celostna rehabilitacija, onkološki bolniki, Državni program obvladovanja raka, rak dojke
Published in DiRROS: 06.12.2022; Views: 520; Downloads: 131
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