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Mechanical properties of high carbon low-density steels
Jiri Hajek, Zbyšek Nový, Ludmila Kucerova, Hana Jirková, Črtomir Donik, Zdeňek Jansa, 2023, original scientific article

Keywords: low density steels, heat treatment, tensile test
Published in DiRROS: 02.02.2024; Views: 133; Downloads: 70
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Raziskovanje možnosti prilagoditve trenutnega načina gospodarjenja z mešanimi gorskimi gozdovi za povečanje vezave ogljika v gozdovih
Suzana Podvinšek, Hana Štraus, Matija Klopčič, 2023, original scientific article

Abstract: Gozd ima pomembno vlogo pri blaženju vpliva podnebnih sprememb z zagotavljanjem ponora CO2 in skladiščenju ogljika (C). V raziskavi smo se osredotočili na dve ekosistemski storitvi gozdov: zagotavljanje lesa kot osnovne surovine in vezave C kot ekosistemska storitev blaženja (negativnih) vplivov podnebnih sprememb. Razvoj gozdov smo modelirali na dveh projektnih pilotnih območjih: na Pohorju in v Dinaridih. Simulacijo smo izvedli s populacijskim matričnim modelom SLOMATRIX, ki je sestavljen iz štirih glavnih modulov, od katerih vsak simulira enega od ključnih procesov v raznomernih gozdovih: vrast, naravno odmiranje, sečnjo oziroma antropogeno smrtnost in rast dreves. V okviru projekta smo v model dodali dodaten modul za izračun vezave C. Razvoj gozda je simuliran za pet drevesnih vrst oziroma skupin drevesnih vrst: jelko, bukev, smreko, druge iglavce in druge listavce. Simulirali smo trenutno gospodarjenje z gozdovi (scenarij BAU), scenarij brez aktivnega gospodarjenja (NOM) in z linearnim programiranjem iskali optimizirani scenarij COPT, pri katerem smo iskali način gospodarjenja, ki bo izkazoval največjo vezavo C v gozdovih v naslednjih sto letih. Pri scenarijih BAU in COPT smo kljub zelo majhnim razlikam v začetni debelinski strukturi gozdov zasledili razlike v debelinski strukturi in drevesni sestavi posekanih dreves in dva različna načina za maksimizacijo vezave C. Za prvi način, ki je bil simuliran v Dinaridih, je značilen manjši posek skupnega števila dreves z izrazitim poudarkom na poseku jelke, vendar so drevesa v povprečju večjih premerov kot pri scenariju BAU. Za drugi način, ki je bil simuliran na Pohorju, pa je značilen posek znatnega deleža tanjšega drevja s poudarkom na smreki in bukvi, kar se odraža v znatnem povečanju števila dreves velikih premerov. Domnevamo, da so razlike v pristopih k optimizaciji posledica različne produktivnosti rastišč in razlik v razmerjih počasi : srednje hitro : hitro rastočih dreves.
Keywords: sekvestracija ogljika, modeliranje razvoja gozdov, scenariji gospodarjenja z gozdovi, lesnoproizvodna funkcija
Published in DiRROS: 19.04.2023; Views: 475; Downloads: 102
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MORSE – simulator razvoja gozdnih sestojev
Andrej Bončina, Hana Štraus, 2022, original scientific article

Abstract: V prispevku je predstavljen sestojni simulator MORSE (MOdel Razvoja SEstojev), ki omogoča simuliranje razvoja enomernih mešanih sestojev na ravni posameznih sestojev in večji prostorski ravni. Zgrajen je iz treh modulov, ki obravnavajo rast, mortaliteto in ukrepanje (redčenje in obnova). Regresijski model razvoja dominantnega premera sestojev je temeljni algoritem, izdelan na podlagi empiričnih podatkov. Za zagon simulatorja so potrebni vhodni podatki o sestojnih in rastiščnih znakih, ki so preprosto določljivi. MORSE simulira razvoj sestojev za obdobje dvesto let glede na upravljavske odločitve o redčenju (jakost, pogostnost, zvrst, pospeševanje drevesnih vrst) in obnovi (ciljne velikosti, pomladitvena doba, čas in jakost pomladitvenih sečenj, pomladitveni cilj). Mogoča sta dva načina določanja režima redčenj: i) eksplicitna določitev terminov in jakosti redčenj in ii) posredna glede na primerjavo dejanske in optimalne temeljnice sestoja. Razvoj sestojnih znakov za opredeljeno obdobje je prikazan grafično in v preglednicah. Za isto obdobje so navedeni parametri poseka in mortalitete drevja. MORSE je sedaj v fazi preverjanja na sestojni ravni, potem sledi razvoj simulatorja na večji prostorski ravni. V prispevku so prikazane variante razvoja testnega sestoja glede na različno ukrepanje.
Keywords: modeliranje, rast, mortaliteta, redčenje, obnova, dominantni premer, gozdnogospodarsko načrtovanje
Published in DiRROS: 22.12.2022; Views: 550; Downloads: 162
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Effects of climate on Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco) growth Southeast of the European Alps
Tom Levanič, Hana Štraus, 2022, original scientific article

Abstract: Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco) is a non-native tree species in Slovenia with the potential to partially replace Norway spruce in our native forests. Compared to spruce, it has several advantages in terms of volume growth, wood quality and tolerance to drought. This is important given the changing climate in which spruce is confronted with serious problems caused by increasing temperatures and drought stress. At three sites (one on non-carbonate bedrock and deep soils, and two on limestone with soil layers of varying depths), 20 Douglas-fir and 20 spruce per site were sampled in order to compare their radial growth response to climate and drought events. The radial growth of Douglas-fir exceeds that of spruce by about 20% on comparable sites. It is more responsive to climate than spruce. Above-average temperatures in February and March have a significant positive effect on the radial growth of Douglas-fir. In recent decades, above-average summer precipitation has also had a positive influence on the radial growth of Douglas-fir. Compared to spruce, Douglas-fir is less sensitive to extreme drought events. Our results indicate that Douglas-fir may be a good substitute for spruce in semi-natural managed forest stands in Slovenia. The planting of Douglas-fir should be allowed in Slovenian forests, but the proportion of it in forest stands should be kept lower than is the case with spruce today.
Keywords: climate change, climate response, drought, radial increment, dendrochronology
Published in DiRROS: 15.06.2022; Views: 547; Downloads: 457
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SERPING1 variants and C1-INH biological function : a close relationship with C1-INH-HAE
Christian Drouet, Alberto López Lera, Arije Ghannam, Margarita López-Trascasa, Sven Cichon, Denise Ponard, Faidra Parsopoulou, Hana Grombirikova, Tomas Freiberger, Matija Rijavec, Camila Lopes Veronez, João Bosco Pesquero, Anastasios E. Germenis, 2022, review article

Abstract: Hereditary angioedema with C1 Inhibitor deficiency (C1-INH-HAE) is caused by a constellation of variants of the SERPING1 gene (n = 809; 1,494 pedigrees), accounting for 86.8% of HAE families, showing a pronounced mutagenic liability of SERPING1 and pertaining to 5.6% de novo variants. C1-INH is the major control serpin of the kallikrein–kinin system (KKS). In addition, C1-INH controls complement C1 and plasminogen activation, both systems contributing to inflammation. Recognizing the failed control of C1s protease or KKS provides the diagnosis of C1-INH-HAE. SERPING1 variants usually behave in an autosomal-dominant character with an incomplete penetrance and a low prevalence. A great majority of variants (809/893; 90.5%) that were introduced into online database have been considered as pathogenic/likely pathogenic. Haploinsufficiency is a common feature in C1-INH-HAE where a dominant-negative variant product impacts the wild-type allele and renders it inactive. Small (36.2%) and large (8.3%) deletions/duplications are common, with exon 4 as the most affected one. Point substitutions with missense variants (32.2%) are of interest for the serpin structure–function relationship. Canonical splice sites can be affected by variants within introns and exons also (14.3%). For noncanonical sequences, exon skipping has been confirmed by splicing analyses of patients' blood-derived RNAs (n = 25). Exonic variants (n = 6) can affect exon splicing. Rare deep-intron variants (n = 6), putatively acting as pseudo-exon activating mutations, have been characterized as pathogenic. Some variants have been characterized as benign/likely benign/of uncertain significance (n = 74). This category includes some homozygous (n = 10) or compound heterozygous variants (n = 11). They are presenting with minor allele frequency (MAF) below 0.00002 (i.e., lower than C1-INH-HAE frequency), and may be quantitatively unable to cause haploinsufficiency. Rare benign variants could contribute as disease modifiers. Gonadal mosaicism in C1-INH-HAE is rare and must be distinguished from a de novo variant. Situations with paternal or maternal disomy have been recorded (n = 3). Genotypes must be interpreted with biological investigation fitting with C1-INH expression and typing. Any SERPING1 variant reminiscent of the dysfunctional phenotype of serpin with multimerization or latency should be identified as serpinopathy.
Keywords: Hereditary angioedemas -- genetics -- diagnosis, genetic variation, serpins, SERPING1 gene, C1-INH, C1-INH-HAE, C1 inhibitor, serpinopathy
Published in DiRROS: 06.04.2022; Views: 847; Downloads: 517
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Debelinska rast in odziv duglazije (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco) in smreke (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) na podnebje na produktivnem rastišču Pečovnika pri Celju
Tom Levanič, Hana Štraus, 2021, original scientific article

Abstract: Analizirali smo rast duglazije (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco) in smreke (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) na produktivnem rastišču na Pečovniku pri Celju. Analizirane duglazije so bile nekoliko mlajše od smrek (67 proti 71 let) in so nekoliko bolje priraščale (4,57 mm proti 3,26 mm na leto). Podnebni odziv duglazije na produktivnem rastišču je bil zelo izrazit. Na debelinski prirastek so statistično značilno vplivale nadpovprečne temperature v februarju in marcu, ter nadpovprečne padavine v juliju. V primerjavi s smreko je podnebni odziv duglazije časovno stabilen in bistveno izrazitejši. Analiza značilnih let je pokazala, da so negativna značilna leta pri duglaziji vedno povezana z zelo hladnim vremenom v februarju in marcu, pozitivna pa z nadpovprečnimi temperaturami v istih dveh mesecih. Poletne padavine imajo pomembnejšo vlogo pri duglaziji le v zadnjih treh desetletjih, pred tem pa ne. To nakazuje, da na sicer zelo produktivnem rastišču nastaja potencialno pomanjkanje vode, kar lahko na dolgi rok, ob trendih podnebnih sprememb, vodi v sušni stres in slabšo rast duglazije.
Keywords: podnebne spremembe, odziv na klimo, suša, debelinski prirastek, dendrokronologija
Published in DiRROS: 29.10.2021; Views: 1080; Downloads: 344
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Ecodemocracy in practice : exploration of debates on limits and possibilities of addressing environmental challenges within democratic systems
Helen Kopnina, Reingard Spannring, Shé Mackenzie Hawke, Colin D. Robertson, Alessio Thomasberger, Michelle Maloney, Marco Morini, William Lynn, Naziru Zakari Muhammad, Francisco J. Santiago-Ávila, Hana Begovic, Mariusz Baranowski, 2021, original scientific article

Abstract: This article examines the practical implications of ecological democracy or ecodemocracy, inquiring how capable democratic societies are of addressing environmental challenges. It asks: What is needed to secure democratic legitimacy for policy measures to benefit nonhuman species? What would ecodemocracy look like in practice? Different types of existing and possible types of representation are discussed, including the expansion of the precautionary principle, the Council of All Beings or Parliament of Things, and representation through the Parties for Animals. A possible approach in the form of a mandate for proxy ecorepresentation similar to civil rights through continuous affirmative action is investigated. Limitations and possibilities of each approach for nature representation are weighed.
Keywords: anthropocentrism, democracy, ecocentrism, ecological democracy, ecodemocracy, ecological justice, environmental justice, multispecies justice, rights of nature
Published in DiRROS: 22.06.2021; Views: 984; Downloads: 625
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Content analysis of Advance Directives completed by patients with advanced cancer as part of an Advance Care Planning intervention : insights gained from the ACTION trial
Marieke Zwakman, Johannes JM van Delden, Glenys Caswell, Luc Deliens, F. Ingravallo, Lea J. Jabbarian, Anna Thit Johnsen, Ida Joanna Korfage, Alenka Mimič, C. Møller Arnfeldt, Urška Lunder, Branka Červ, Anja Simonič, Hana Kodba Čeh, Polona Ozbič, 2019, original scientific article

Abstract: Purpose. Writing an Advance Directive (AD) is often seen as a part of Advance Care Planning (ACP). ADs may include specific preferences regarding future care and treatment and information that provides a context for healthcare professionals and relatives in case they have to make decisions for the patient. The aim of this study was to get insight into the content of ADs as completed by patients with advanced cancer who participated in ACP conversations. Methods. A mixed methods study involving content analysis and descriptive statistics was used to describe the content of completed My Preferences forms, an AD used in the intervention arm of the ACTION trial, testing the effectiveness of the ACTION Respecting Choices ACP intervention. Results. In total, 33% of 442 patients who received the ACTION RC ACP intervention completed a My Preferences form. Document completion varied per country: 10.4% (United Kingdom), 20.6% (Denmark), 29.2% (Belgium), 41.7% (the Netherlands), 61.3% (Italy) and 63.9% (Slovenia). Content analysis showed that 'maintaining normal life' and 'experiencing meaningful relationships' were important for patients to live well. Fears and worries mainly concerned disease progression, pain or becoming dependent. Patients hoped for prolongation of life and to be looked after by healthcare professionals. Most patients preferred to be resuscitated and 44% of the patients expressed maximizing comfort as their goal of future care. Most patients preferred 'home' as final place of care. Conclusions. My Preferences forms provide some insights into patients' perspectives and preferences. However, understanding the reasoning behind preferences requires conversations with patients.
Keywords: advance care planning, psycho-oncology, medical oncology, ACTION study, cancer, end of life, dying persons
Published in DiRROS: 15.02.2021; Views: 1276; Downloads: 886
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Development of an international Core Outcome Set (COS) for best care for the dying person : study protocol
Sofia C. Zambrano, Dagny Renata Faksvåg Haugen, Agnes van der Heide, Vilma A. Tripodoro, John Ellershaw, Carl-Johan Fürst, Raymond Voltz, Stephen Mason, María L. Daud, Gustavo De Simone, Urška Lunder, Hana Kodba Čeh, Miša Bakan, 2020, original scientific article

Abstract: Background: In contrast to typical measures employed to assess outcomes in healthcare such as mortality or recovery rates, it is difficult to define which specific outcomes of care are the most important in caring for dying individuals. Despite a variety of tools employed to assess different dimensions of palliative care, there is no consensus on a set of core outcomes to be measured in the last days of life. In order to optimise decision making in clinical practice and comparability of interventional studies, we aim to identify and propose a set of core outcomes for the care of the dying person. Methods: Following the COMET initiative approach, the proposed study will proceed through four stages to develop a set of core outcomes: In stage 1, a systematic review of the literature will identify outcomes measured in existing peer reviewed literature, as well as outcomes derived through qualitative studies. Grey literature, will also be included. Stage 2 will allow for the identification and determination of patient and proxy defined outcomes of care at the end of life via quantitative and qualitative methods at an international level. In stage 3, from a list of salient outcomes identified through stages 1 and 2, international experts, family members, patients, and patient advocates will be asked to score the importance of the preselected outcomes through a Delphi process. Stage 4 consists of a face-to-face consensus meeting of international experts and patient/family representatives in order to define, endorse, and propose the final Core Outcomes Set. Discussion: Core Outcome Sets aim at promoting uniform assessment of care outcomes in clinical practice as well as research. If consistently employed, a robust set of core outcomes for the end of life, and specifically for the dying phase, defined by relevant stakeholders, can ultimately be translated into best care for the dying person. Patient care will be improved by allowing clinicians to choose effective and meaningful treatments, and research impact will be improved by employing internationally agreed clinically relevant endpoints and enabling accurate comparison between studies in systematic reviews and/or in meta-analyses.
Keywords: palliative care, palliative medicine, Delphi technique, dying persons, Outcome research, last days of life, end of life
Published in DiRROS: 02.02.2021; Views: 1282; Downloads: 793
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